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Oklahoma in the US opens first abortion clinic in 30 years (1 Viewer)


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Feb 4, 2012
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The BBC reports that Oklahoma in the US opens first abortion clinic in 30 years.

On the day the Supreme Court may rule on Whole Women's Health case the BBC announces that the first new abortion clinic in more than 30 years is opining in Oklahoma.

This should help women in Oklahoma have better access to legal abprtion services.

57 minutes ago ( June 27, 2016)

The first new abortion clinic in more than three decades is opening in the US state of Oklahoma, weeks after politicians in the state passed a bill to criminalise abortion.
The measure, which was vetoed by the state's governor, illustrates the deep divisions over the issue.
Existing abortion services are limited in Oklahoma, forcing some women to travel as long as eight hours for treatment elsewhere.

Oklahoma in the US opens first abortion clinic in 30 years - BBC News
Oh happy day, right??? Right? :roll:
Actually , most Jewish and many mainline Protestant religions and groups believe that access to contraception and legal abortions within the parameters of Roe v Wade are a part of our religious liberty in the US.

From the RCRC:


The freedom of religion is indeed our first freedom and a universally treasured American value dating back to the founding of our nation. ...the First Amendment makes clear that public policy is not to be based on faith alone – in a religiously diverse, pluralistic society, favoring any one religious worldview is wrong and inherently biased. Good policy is policy that allows for all people – regardless of their religious identity – to follow their own faith and conscience when directing the course of their life. When it comes to matters of reproductive health, RCRC believes that real religious liberty protects the right of a woman to make thoughtful decisions in private consultation with her doctor, her family, and her own faith. Politicians and the religious dogma of another faith should never interfere with religious liberty of an individual.

Religious Liberty | Religious Coalition For Reproductive Choice
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Today is a good day for women's health. :)
Today is a good day for women's health.

Not really sure how a advertised "Abortion Clinic" is good for women's health. I mean, If you say it's good to cure a result of a night out of heavy partying, Hooking up "irresponsibly". Yea sure why not..

Today is a good day for women's health.

Not really sure how a advertised "Abortion Clinic" is good for women's health. I mean, If you say it's good to cure a result of a night out of heavy partying, Hooking up "irresponsibly". Yea sure why not..


Sure, and let's force a woman to carry a rapist's baby, and make sure that little girls who are impregnated by daddy pay the price too. Why? Because that's what bible pounding Republitards want. Sheesh!!
Oh happy day, right??? Right? :roll:

I mean it's not like I go around doing a happy dance every time a medical facility is opened but this hardly seems like something to complain about.
Satan will be pleased.

Who the hell is the bogyman Satan? Oh, I remember, he's the make believe evil twin of Jesus, right?
Just another dumbass that went against God Almighty.

I kinda like the narrative that Lucifer never really had a choice in the matter, that he was created specifically to fill the role of the Punisher by God, and raged against the cage he was thrown in to. Many who tell the story say that Angels didn't have free will the same way mortals were given it.
I kinda like the narrative that Lucifer never really had a choice in the matter, that he was created specifically to fill the role of the Punisher by God, and raged against the cage he was thrown in to. Many who tell the story say that Angels didn't have free will the same way mortals were given it.

He was cast out because of pride that originated from his desire to be God instead of a servant of God. Satan was the highest of all the angels, but he wasn’t happy. He desired to be God and rule the universe. God cast Satan out of heaven as a fallen angel.

He spends his time deceiving humans into rebelling against God.

Humans didn't have free will until after Jesus was crucified. God did all the punishment up until then.
He was cast out because of pride that originated from his desire to be God instead of a servant of God. Satan was the highest of all the angels, but he wasn’t happy. He desired to be God and rule the universe. God cast Satan out of heaven as a fallen angel.

He spends his time deceiving humans into rebelling against God.
Yes, I've heard that version also.

Humans didn't have free will until after Jesus was crucified. God did all the punishment up until then.

I thought he died for our sins. If we had no free will, what possible sins could we be responsible for?
Yes, I've heard that version also.

I thought he died for our sins. If we had no free will, what possible sins could we be responsible for?

God laid down the laws in Genesis.[the beginning] People ignored them [sinned] and were punished. Now they have to wait until judgement day.
Just another dumbass that went against God Almighty.

Maybe in your make-believe world, but not in reality. You don't agree, but hey you're wrong.
God laid down the laws in Genesis.[the beginning] People ignored them [sinned] and were punished. Now they have to wait until judgement day.

Hogwash! No wonder Trump is the nominee, we have become a nation of idiots.
God laid down the laws in Genesis.[the beginning] People ignored them [sinned] and were punished. Now they have to wait until judgement day.

You can't choose to ignore God's law if you don't have the ability to make a choice.
You can't choose to ignore God's law if you don't have the ability to make a choice.

Same as any criminal who breaks laws. The difference is you don't get punished before you die.
Same as any criminal who breaks laws. The difference is you don't get punished before you die.

I realize one's physical body can, for example, commit murder, thus breaking God's commandment to the contrary.

But the murderer didn't have a choice, according to you. Guns don't have a choice either. Are guns murderers?
I realize one's physical body can, for example, commit murder, thus breaking God's commandment to the contrary.

But the murderer didn't have a choice, according to you. Guns don't have a choice either. Are guns murderers?

Are we still talking about abortion?
Are we still talking about abortion?

You're the one who said humans didn't have free will before Jesus, but I guess you are fleeing from that discussion now. Ok. Have a nice day.
Satan will be pleased.

Show us where GAWD says abortions are a sin? (hint you won't)

Now I'll show you where the BIBLE shows GAWD wasn't upset with 'innocent' life being taken while still in the womb (if you believe the BIBLE is GAWD's word)

Exodus 21:21-25 clearly gives a fine (monetary penalty) for causing an abortion, but an eye for an eye if the mother is harmed. fine for the lost fetus, up to death if you kill the mother.

Number 5:11-21 is where a priest creates a 'magic' potion that a pregnant wife drinks. If she was knocked up by another man she aborts the fetus in a rather painful manner.

Gen 2:7 says man becomes a living soul AFTER his first breath, for centuries that was the Religious standard for the beginning of human life (children still born or miscarried never took that 'breath of life')

Numbers 31:15-18 GAWD orders all non virgin midianite women to be killed- certainly a number were pregnant and their fetuses not spared.

So when it suits some, GAWD sanctions the killing of the unborn.

I don't think you can lay this on Satan... :peace
This world needs less abortion, not more. And I'm not talking about restricting rights or restricting access. I'm talking about reducing NEED.

Every single one of these things represents human failure as far as I'm concerned. Hardly cause for celebration...
This world needs less abortion, not more. And I'm not talking about restricting rights or restricting access. I'm talking about reducing NEED.

Every single one of these things represents human failure as far as I'm concerned. Hardly cause for celebration...

Somehow I will manage to trudge on with life. :lamo

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