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Oil and the massive profits (1 Viewer)

  • Aramco’s net income increased by 124% to $110 billion in 2021, compared to $49 billion in 2020.

Oh, that's terrible.......😭😭😭😭😭😭

Wait...what does basic economics teach. That if someone is making big profits, more competition will enter the field.

Who is jumping in ?
Oh, that's terrible.......😭😭😭😭😭😭

Wait...what does basic economics teach. That if someone is making big profits, more competition will enter the field.

Who is jumping in ?

OPEC in your basic economics lesson?
%124 in a year
That doesn't mean someone is dictating the market. It has dropped that much before too, did they decide to just be nice and dictate that drop?
OPEC in your basic economics lesson?
OPEC is already in the mix.

Economics says.....if someone is making a profit, competitors enter the field.

So who is jumping in ?
OPEC is already in the mix.

Economics says.....if someone is making a profit, competitors enter the field.

So who is jumping in ?

The Saudis run the show and we saw what happened when Russia tried to play. The US isn’t stepping up either.
i'm tired of arguing with people that don't know that oil companies are even profitable.

it's brain numbingly boring.
%124 in a year

What were they they year(s) prior?

Exxon's profits for 2021 were $24B
Chevron's profits for 2021 were $15.6B
BP's profits for 2021 were $12.85B
Shell's profits for 2021 were $19.29B

For all four, these profits were the most they'd made since 2014, in seven (7) years.

Exxon lost $22.4B in 2020
Chevron lost $5.5B in 2020
BP lost $5.7B in 2020
Shell made $4.65B in 2020, the most since 2014

It's easy to see such large profit numbers - but no one wants to address the incredibly large LOSSES in years prior.

What were they they year(s) prior?

Exxon's profits for 2021 were $24B
Chevron's profits for 2021 were $15.6B
BP's profits for 2021 were $12.85B
Shell's profits for 2021 were $19.29B

For all four, these profits were the most they'd made since 2014, in seven (7) years.

Exxon lost $22.4B in 2020
Chevron lost $5.5B in 2020
BP lost $5.7B in 2020
Shell made $4.65B in 2020, the most since 2014

It's easy to see such large profit numbers - but no one wants to address the incredibly large LOSSES in years prior.

Covid was a bitch
So let's pass the windfall profits tax to return 50% of the windfall profits to the American people.
Aramco’s net income increased by 124% to $110 billion in 2021, compared to $49 billion in 2020.
They were at $88.2B in 2019.

2020 was a year of HUGE losses - which is also why 2021 gains look HUGE in comparison.

What were they they year(s) prior?

Exxon's profits for 2021 were $24B
Chevron's profits for 2021 were $15.6B
BP's profits for 2021 were $12.85B
Shell's profits for 2021 were $19.29B

For all four, these profits were the most they'd made since 2014, in seven (7) years.

Exxon lost $22.4B in 2020
Chevron lost $5.5B in 2020
BP lost $5.7B in 2020
Shell made $4.65B in 2020, the most since 2014

It's easy to see such large profit numbers - but no one wants to address the incredibly large LOSSES in years prior.

But but but......
I want my kickback delivered every quarter we can call it a rebate. When fossil fuels become more expensive so does just about everything else on the market. Let's call it a multiple whammy.

According to superrich @CaughtInThe, they are profitable.

Are you arguing they aren’t profitable as they are the only the #2 in the world? Another thing you thin KSA is open and honest with their books?

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