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Ohio's Tom Noe Indicted in Coingate (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
In what is being billed a major corruption scandal, prosectors have indicted Tom Noe, a Bush Pioneer, with laundering money obtained from the sale of stolen coins into the Republican Party coffers. Indictments against others involved are also likely to be announced today.

Article is here.
obtained from the sale of stolen coins

Your link didn't mention anything about "stolen coins". Was there a follow-up article somewhere that did so, or did I just miss it somehow? Your linked article only referred to Noe providing money to others for contribution purposes so that he could, in effect, contribute more than legally permissible.
oldreliable67 said:
Your link didn't mention anything about "stolen coins". Was there a follow-up article somewhere that did so, or did I just miss it somehow? Your linked article only referred to Noe providing money to others for contribution purposes so that he could, in effect, contribute more than legally permissible.

Oops. Should have laid out the background from a previous article I posted about this a month ago:

Article is here.

The article explains both the civil and criminal cases against Noe.
danarhea said:
In what is being billed a major corruption scandal, prosectors have indicted Tom Noe, a Bush Pioneer, with laundering money obtained from the sale of stolen coins into the Republican Party coffers. Indictments against others involved are also likely to be announced today.

Article is here.

Is this the 2004 election was stolen fraud open thread?

Who could have guessed that these guys were crooked?

Ok, Ok - all you can put your hands down now.
Gee, these Republicans sure can't stay out of legal trouble, can they?

Taft Says Ohio Government is Accountable

Only yesterday, Gov. Taft said that he continued to strongly oppose the clean government amendments (State Issues 2 through 5) on the grounds that there is "no legitimate problem" to be addressed.

This guy has a remarkable penchant for saying stupid things at the most inopportune times.

I'm supporting Reform Ohio Now because the culture of corruption for which Tom Noe is the poster boy has driven the state right off the cliff and because what happens in Ohio (political reform) won't stay in Ohio.

Now I know why they hate government so much. Government keeps kicking them in the nuts for all their dirty deeds.
hipsterdufus said:
Is this the 2004 election was stolen fraud open thread?

Who could have guessed that these guys were crooked?

Ok, Ok - all you can put your hands down now.
Gee, these Republicans sure can't stay out of legal trouble, can they?

Taft Says Ohio Government is Accountable

Only yesterday, Gov. Taft said that he continued to strongly oppose the clean government amendments (State Issues 2 through 5) on the grounds that there is "no legitimate problem" to be addressed.

This guy has a remarkable penchant for saying stupid things at the most inopportune times.

I'm supporting Reform Ohio Now because the culture of corruption for which Tom Noe is the poster boy has driven the state right off the cliff and because what happens in Ohio (political reform) won't stay in Ohio.

Now I know why they hate government so much. Government keeps kicking them in the nuts for all their dirty deeds.

So are we all to take from this that, all Republicans are immoral criminals, because if this is true, then all Democrats must be guilty of adultry, lying to a grand jury, and questionable business deals?:roll:
Deegan said:
So are we all to take from this that, all Republicans are immoral criminals, because if this is true, then all Democrats must be guilty of adultry, lying to a grand jury, and questionable business deals?:roll:

How about the sheeple apply these things to both major parties and quit voting for them!!!
independent_thinker2002 said:
How about the sheeple apply these things to both major parties and quit voting for them!!!

Now that sounds reasonable.;)

That makes more sense. Quite a story! Thanks.

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