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Oh no not again! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 19, 2014
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A 21-year-old Australian tradesman has been bitten by a venomous spider on the penis for a second time.

The man was using a portable toilet on a Sydney building site on Tuesday, when he suffered a repeat of the incident five months ago.

Jordan, who preferred not to reveal his surname, said he was bitten on "pretty much the same spot" by the spider.

"I'm the most unlucky guy in the country at the moment," he told the BBC.

A 21-year-old Australian tradesman has been bitten by a venomous spider on the penis for a second time.

The man was using a portable toilet on a Sydney building site on Tuesday, when he suffered a repeat of the incident five months ago.

Jordan, who preferred not to reveal his surname, said he was bitten on "pretty much the same spot" by the spider.

"I'm the most unlucky guy in the country at the moment," he told the BBC.

Well... he can be happy now that he's part of a demographic. Yearly genital spider bites.. of which he is possibly the sole member.

He should get an award and probably a cup to protect his junk.
Spider bites Australian man on penis again - BBC News

A 21-year-old Australian tradesman has been bitten by a venomous spider on the penis for a second time.

The man was using a portable toilet on a Sydney building site on Tuesday, when he suffered a repeat of the incident five months ago.

Jordan, who preferred not to reveal his surname, said he was bitten on "pretty much the same spot" by the spider.

"I'm the most unlucky guy in the country at the moment," he told the BBC.

I'm sure he was trying to have sex With the spider and she thought it was too big for her

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