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Oh My Darling Stacy (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Oh darling, how I have fallen for you. I can't get your stunning face out of my mind.

Each time you post that wonderful image of you laying in the hay on your families plantation. Oh the feelings!

I just can't get your picture out of my head. Oh my darling you are so beautiful. And that white hair... so lovely.

You're just jealous because she's better than you, and better-looking. So you make ****ing retarded threads such as this one.
You really need to work on your Photshop skills.
Stace said:
You really need to work on your Photshop skills.

Yeah, talk to Billo. He's remarkably good at it.
Is it wrong that that picture aroused me?

Something about Stace, with the head of Howard Dean pasted on by someone very clearly belonging in classes for "special" people, mm mm mm hot damn!
Comrade Brian said:
You're just jealous because she's better than you, and better-looking. So you make ****ing retarded threads such as this one.



You're using Paint? Ah, that explains it all.

Leave the photo editing to the professionals.
Stace said:
You're using Paint? Ah, that explains it all.

Leave the photo editing to the professionals.

What the hell were you spamming refresh? I didn't even get done typing and you posted.
FreeThinker said:
What the hell were you spamming refresh? I didn't even get done typing and you posted.

Uh...your message posted at 11:06. Mine posted at 11:13. That's a seven minute difference, genius.
Stace said:
Uh...your message posted at 11:06. Mine posted at 11:13. That's a seven minute difference, genius.

Also, I hate my parents for forcing religion on me. I voted for john kerry to **** them off. I get my politics from the back of a 1987 crackerjack box. Also, that picture of me was 8 years ago before I gained 300 pounds and went on wellfare.

It takes me 7 minutes to refresh this advertisement laden website, so to me it appeared instant.

And you aren't fat. You are just big boned.
FreeThinker said:
It takes me 7 minutes to refresh this advertisement laden website, so to me it appeared instant.

And you aren't fat. You are just big boned.

Well, it's not my fault you can only afford a dial up connection.

Not to mention, I don't see the ads, but, eh.

I see you learned how to add stuff to other people's posts. How sweet. However, you might want to watch that, because I can easily persuade Kelzie to do worse. Mods rule.
Stace said:
Well, it's not my fault you can only afford a dial up connection.

Not to mention, I don't see the ads, but, eh.

I see you learned how to add stuff to other people's posts. How sweet. However, you might want to watch that, because I can easily persuade Kelzie to do worse. Mods rule.
I am available for a small fee...:twisted:
Stace said:
Just name your price, my friend. :mrgreen:
Change "Liberal Princess" to "Conservative Queen" for a week...:twisted:
cnredd said:
Change "Liberal Princess" to "Conservative Queen" for a week...:twisted:

Eeeehh......I don't know if I can do that.....I'd have to lose some sort of bet to be convinced to do that.....
Stace said:
Just name your price, my friend. :mrgreen:

This 100 post account is worth you purchasing favors from a mod to get rid of me?

How flattering. I didn't know you cared.

cnlibb said:
look at me im a mod roffellllllll lol roffel
FreeThinker said:
This 100 post account is worth you purchasing favors from a mod to get rid of me?

How flattering. I didn't know you cared.

It has nothing to do with getting rid of you.

And don't flatter yourself, because no one cares.
Stace said:
It has nothing to do with getting rid of you.

And don't flatter yourself, because no one cares.

You've replied to this thread 6 times now.

In my opinion you totally don't care. Seriously. No SERIOUSLY.
FreeThinker said:
You've replied to this thread 6 times now.

In my opinion you totally don't care. Seriously. No SERIOUSLY.

Hey, the damn thread has my name on it, I'll post here as often as I like.

I do find it funny how you try to bash me, and instead, everyone sticks up for me. Let that be a lesson to you, don't try and smack on people that are well liked when you aren't. Ask ToT, it doesn't work.
Stace said:
Hey, the damn thread has my name on it, I'll post here as often as I like.

I do find it funny how you try to bash me, and instead, everyone sticks up for me. Let that be a lesson to you, don't try and smack on people that are well liked when you aren't. Ask ToT, it doesn't work.

Your insults cut to the core like the blade of an iraqi freedom fighting cutting the head off an infidel on tape.

Seriously, I'm going to shave my head and go into the mountains for a journey of self discovery, where I will learn kung fu and return to deafeat the howard deans of planet earth.

And about people sticking up for you: fully 2/3 of the people on these boards are liberal as hell. Just look at the polling section. So that's 2/3 of your defense right there.

The other 1/3 are sex starved forum junkies that spend their days spamming refresh and asking to webcam with women they will never meet in real life. No surprise there either.

And I don't insult you because I hate you. I insult you because I believe your half baked ideology is going to end up costing us millions of american lives and trillions of dollars. Putting off dealing with dictators until they are strong enough to inflict serious damage is insanity.

Evil men exist. They are here to kill us. And all you speak of is how much you hate bush.

You ma'am, are a fool.
FreeThinker said:
Your insults cut to the core like the blade of an iraqi freedom fighting cutting the head off an infidel on tape.

I haven't insulted you....yet. You'll know when and if I do.

Seriously, I'm going to shave my head and go into the mountains for a journey of self discovery, where I will learn kung fu and return to deafeat the howard deans of planet earth.

Well, you have fun.

And about people sticking up for you: fully 2/3 of the people on these boards are liberal as hell. Just look at the polling section. So that's 2/3 of your defense right there.

Wrong. But, you'd know that if you bothered to look at the site's statistics. cnredd? Not a liberal by a long shot.

The other 1/3 are sex starved forum junkies that spend their days spamming refresh and asking to webcam with women they will never meet in real life. No surprise there either.

And yet, they all know I'm married, and if they appear to be hitting on me, it is merely in a joking manner because we have built up that sort of rapport.

And I don't insult you because I hate you. I insult you because I believe your half baked ideology is going to end up costing us millions of american lives and trillions of dollars. Putting off dealing with dictators until they are strong enough to inflict serious damage is insanity.

If you think you insult me, you really need to reevaluate your skills. Because, quite frankly, you have none.

And your little thing about my ideology and dictators and trillions of dollars? Makes no sense, seeing as how you have no idea as to what my ideology is.

Evil men exist. They are here to kill us. And all you speak of is how much you hate bush.

Uh, no I don't. I don't hate the man. I don't like him, but I don't hate him. And in over 1,700 posts, if all I did was post "I hate Bush" all day, I'm fairly certain I would no longer be a member of this forum, as that would not be contributing anything worthwhile.

You ma'am, are a fool.

I'm so offended. Let me just go cry in the corner now. :roll:
Stace said:
I haven't insulted you....yet. You'll know when and if I do.

I'm still waiting. God this is getting boring.

Well, you have fun.

you are good at the internet.

Wrong. But, you'd know that if you bothered to look at the site's statistics. cnredd? Not a liberal by a long shot.

Those site stats are total bullshit. It may be that many republicans registered, but that many republicans certainly don't post. The libs are the ones with the 5000 post counts.

And yet, they all know I'm married, and if they appear to be hitting on me, it is merely in a joking manner because we have built up that sort of rapport.

Maybe they think that you throwing around your pictures on an internet forum means you are easy? I dunno.

If you think you insult me, you really need to reevaluate your skills. Because, quite frankly, you have none.

I think my kung fu comment went to your head. No more 1970's Bruce Lee lines please. You are bad.

And your little thing about my ideology and dictators and trillions of dollars? Makes no sense, seeing as how you have no idea as to what my ideology is.

Liberals always have a hard time with that whole truth issue. The fact that you don't understand it doesn't surprise me.

And in the few conversations we've had you have given me all I need to understand that you don't understand that I understand wait what the **** was i saying again?

Oh yeah. You are an idiot.

Uh, no I don't. I don't hate the man. I don't like him, but I don't hate him. And in over 1,700 posts, if all I did was post "I hate Bush" all day, I'm fairly certain I would no longer be a member of this forum, as that would not be contributing anything worthwhile.

This forum consists of 2 or 3 republicans making slightly conservative posts and having a million man march of liberals jump into the thread and flame them. The other threads are all liberals agreeing with each other. So if by "contribution" you mean "being one of an overwhelming majority to say the same thing over and over", then yes, wonderful contribution.

I'm so offended. Let me just go cry in the corner now. :roll:

Try not to get any tears on the weed. I heard salt makes the smoke taste bad.

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