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Oh, deer (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
Double vax addicts fear not. You’re safe.

The flu lives.

Move on.

From the OP

Early lab experiments suggest that the new strain is easily knocked down by antibodies created in response to vaccination, which makes this version of the virus unlikely to pose an immediate threat.
Double vax addicts fear not. You’re safe.

The flu lives.

Move on.

From the OP

Early lab experiments suggest that the new strain is easily knocked down by antibodies created in response to vaccination, which makes this version of the virus unlikely to pose an immediate threat.
The world has officially gone stark raving mad when people are worried about every single new strain as if viruses don't mutate.

These p[eople should really take some science classes and learn about evolution. Viruses multiply by the billions and if we make a drug that wipes out 999 million of them, the ones that survive are the only ones left, amirite? Since the ones that did survive would be the only strain left, science then has to go back to the drawing board. Viruses are far more intelligent than any leftist I have ever encountered.
The world has officially gone stark raving mad when people are worried about every single new strain as if viruses don't mutate.

These p[eople should really take some science classes and learn about evolution. Viruses multiply by the billions and if we make a drug that wipes out 999 million of them, the ones that survive are the only ones left, amirite? Since the ones that did survive would be the only strain left, science then has to go back to the drawing board. Viruses are far more intelligent than any leftist I have ever encountered.
You do know this virus has already made the jump from animal to human once, right?
Buckle up, it is going to be a bumpy ride (with this continued pandemic and this thread.)
You do know this virus has already made the jump from animal to human once, right?
No. We do NOT know that. They are now trying to say that but our government and scientists have lied through their teeth all along on COVID, and they protect China like a newborn child. The CDC has admitted that masks don't really work, and lied about booster shots and then hid information. I believe this was created from a lab experiment based on the fact that several people working at the Wuhan lab got sick and died just before COVID went viral which was November of 2019. China is our enemy, like Russia. They are out to be rulers of the world and take over where once great America used to be. Look who is protecting Russia right now in spite of their atrocities and who has lucrative deals with Russia.

America is screwed now with Biben. I wouldn't rule out a nuclear holocaust. He wants to be a globalist like Obama was. More interested in other countries instead of America....thinks he can save the world by appeasement. A Neville Chamberlain. Since he and his son made millions with shady deals with China, he won't challenge them, including how COVID started.
Yes, we do. Get over it.
We do NOT! That is just an unsubstantiated opinion from a know-nothing person and does not answer why the people at the Wuhan lab became sickened and died just before the outbreak in Wuhan, China. There is ZERO evidence unless you have some proof you want to share. Bloggers' opinions don't count. Pro Chinese sources are like using Putin to explain Ukraine. By your name, you are most likely Chinese and want to defend them at all costs.
We do NOT! That is just an unsubstantiated opinion from a know-nothing person and does not answer why the people at the Wuhan lab became sickened and died just before the outbreak in Wuhan, China. There is ZERO evidence unless you have some proof you want to share. Bloggers' opinions don't count. Pro Chinese sources are like using Putin to explain Ukraine. By your name, you are most likely Chinese and want to defend them at all costs.

Relax .. You are wrong as usual.
The world has officially gone stark raving mad when people are worried about every single new strain as if viruses don't mutate.

These p[eople should really take some science classes and learn about evolution. Viruses multiply by the billions and if we make a drug that wipes out 999 million of them, the ones that survive are the only ones left, amirite? Since the ones that did survive would be the only strain left, science then has to go back to the drawing board. Viruses are far more intelligent than any leftist I have ever encountered.

That's true with natural immunity too. Except without the vaccines and drugs, the virus will have far more opportunities to mutate.
That's true with natural immunity too. Except without the vaccines and drugs, the virus will have far more opportunities to mutate.
Really? How so? What happened to the Spanish Flu?

I asked this question to many others to silence?
Yes, we do. Get over it.
the Chinese study was posted on 25 February on the Research Square site. Led by George Gao of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Not peer reviewed, either....biased.
The world has officially gone stark raving mad when people are worried about every single new strain as if viruses don't mutate.

These p[eople should really take some science classes and learn about evolution. Viruses multiply by the billions and if we make a drug that wipes out 999 million of them, the ones that survive are the only ones left, amirite? Since the ones that did survive would be the only strain left, science then has to go back to the drawing board. Viruses are far more intelligent than any leftist I have ever encountered.
What did you read in that report that told you people were madly worried?
I know! I know! Nothing! You didn't even read the report, your knee jerked and you responded, helpless.
Really? How so? What happened to the Spanish Flu?

I asked this question to many others to silence?

You tell us then.

As far as I can recall, it killed shitloads of people for about two years and then faded out to be replaced by less virulent strains that are still with us killing about 50k people per year (and probably would be killing a lot more if we didn't have flu vaccines).


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You tell us then.

As far as I can recall, it killed shitloads of people for about two years and then faded out to be replaced by less virulent strains that are still with us killing about 50k people per year.


That is not responsive. What happened to the Spanish flu?
That is not responsive. What happened to the Spanish flu?

Yawn. Run like a baby. I answered your question. Now you answer your own question or go away.
Yawn. Run like a baby. I answered your question. Now you answer your own question or go away.
The 101st time I asked that question and a leftist has refused to answer

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