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Sep 27, 2005
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They serve a purpose and all, I just don't like to spend $$ on them.

Silkscreen is where its at!
BUSH is flushing this whole country down the toilet with his racist smirking, rampant sexy croniism and other such bad guy activity. You know he pushed a bill through congress to have ALL kittens slaughtered and fed to Dick Cheney for his birthday? The man who could be the next leader of the freeworld has a robotic heart and eats kittens for breakfast. Thats not the america I know and love. Power to the people. Rage against the machine. I'm rich, I'm a victim and I hate myself. :shoot :monkey :mothers_d :sword:
"I am ElRoi" (shouted proudly as Tony Curtis rises to his feet).
"I am ElRoi" (shouted even louder and prouder as some nobody actor rises to his feet)
"I am ElRoi" (shouted just as loud and proud as another nobody actor...well you get the reference, right?)
The_FAKE_ElRoi said:
BUSH is flushing this whole country down the toilet with his racist smirking, rampant sexy croniism and other such bad guy activity. You know he pushed a bill through congress to have ALL kittens slaughtered and fed to Dick Cheney for his birthday? The man who could be the next leader of the freeworld has a robotic heart and eats kittens for breakfast. Thats not the america I know and love. Power to the people. Rage against the machine. I'm rich, I'm a victim and I hate myself. :shoot :monkey :mothers_d :sword:
You idiot...it's not kittens...it's babies.
Can you wackos go bug someone else? I'm trying to do German homework here. :shock:

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