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Officially A Democrat (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

We all knew.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

So. You moved from the Republican herd to the NeverTrump herd and now to the Democratic herd. Okay.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

Welcome to the fold.
Now you've gotta change your username...
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

Well, I hope your doing so abets your reason(s) for doing so.

For my part, I will forever remain unaligned, regardless of how near to my views any party's platform and politicians' come. I have a fundamental disdain for political parties.
I will never register with a political party, no matter how much I may disagree with their opposition.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

When you were a proud Republican what politicians did you look up to as good representatives of the party? Has that changed now that you have decided to move over? I'm always curious about this kind of thing.
You will find as much to hate there in time.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

Hmm... #slinkaway is born? Might your new user name be PostTrumpDNC?
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

That should endear you to your former party. Be prepared to be told what a piece of crap you now are from all your ex-friendly party members. When did you come to the conclusion that the GOP was extreme?
Most shocking reveal since Perez Hilton announced he was gay.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

I hope you find happiness.
That should endear you to your former party. Be prepared to be told what a piece of crap you now are from all your ex-friendly party members. When did you come to the conclusion that the GOP was extreme?

My best guess is when he found that AOC was not extreme and that a physical barrier on the border was "immoral" or a "racist monument".
When you were a proud Republican what politicians did you look up to as good representatives of the party? Has that changed now that you have decided to move over? I'm always curious about this kind of thing.

So I've been a registered voter ever since my 18th birthday. I was raised in a Republican household. My first election was 2008. I didn't like Obama. I then, didn't like McCain he ran a campaign message I thought was way too conservative. So I wrote in Romney. Was more than happy to vote for Romney in 2012. Voted for Evan McMullin in 2016. I like Bush a lot for what he did for the country after 9/11 minus the wars. The creation of Homeland Security and the surveillance were good additions to the government. Though hardly conservative operations (even though every President has decided to continue w/them...) ;)

I think w/o the noise of Fox News and the partisans, Kasich is where a lot of the GOP would be right now, but they've been listening to 30 years of garbage to care. On the flip side I think AOC IS the future of the Democrats. Her style and messaging are spot on and completely inline with my generation's thinking on most things and her twitter game is A+. Imagine if Obama battled the right wing online like she does? He would have nipped the birther stuff in the butt. So, in many ways the old guard pretending that politics has to be dignified and that there are adults in the room are ending. Warped by cable news, social media, and NDAs.

I do however, like people who have strong opinions and can articulate them in ways that either grab the spotlight or gets something moving in Congress. It's probably the only thing I'll say Trump is an expert on. Yet I don't like blind loyalty or partisans who only focus on one partisan topic. Examples of people I have some respect for include...

On the Republican side: Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum
On the Democrats side: Beto O'Rourke, Ilhan Omar, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Don Lemon
Relatively independent: Chris Cuomo, Bill Maher

Besides for those listed I tend to not like people who have worked on or for campaigns where it's clear who they are defending and it's pretty pointless to have them on TV just to try to get a soundbite out of them. Oh and the anti-media sentiment in the GOP is something I really cannot stomach anymore. IDK if this makes much sense, but I hope it answers some of your questions.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

There are extreme's on both sides of the fence. If you're wanting to get away from extreme's then going from one to the other is perhaps not the best way to go about it.

In any case, what about the Republican Party is extreme other than their abortion, and anti-homosexual stances? And please don't mention racism because that is only a very small minority. They don't even make up 1% of the population.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.

Good for you! The nevertrumper thing I can understand but outside the dem party of being against trump and wanting to vote primaries, what platform of the Dems do you support? The only reason I ask is I did the same thing in 2017 with the number one priority of being against trump but I am against the majority of Dems on the 2A and firearm issues. The rest of the platforms I mostly agree with, was curious what parts you might agree with or disagree with on the Dems?
Be careful. The next thing you know your daughter will be dating a Democrat.
I just officially registered to be a Democrat. Never thought this would happen, but I can no longer stomach the GOPs extreme positions on well just about everything.


And all it took was another fake news story concocted by the NeverTrump media to blow up in their faces to get you to switch.
So I've been a registered voter ever since my 18th birthday. I was raised in a Republican household. My first election was 2008. I didn't like Obama. I then, didn't like McCain he ran a campaign message I thought was way too conservative. So I wrote in Romney. Was more than happy to vote for Romney in 2012. Voted for Evan McMullin in 2016. I like Bush a lot for what he did for the country after 9/11 minus the wars. The creation of Homeland Security and the surveillance were good additions to the government. Though hardly conservative operations (even though every President has decided to continue w/them...) ;)

I think w/o the noise of Fox News and the partisans, Kasich is where a lot of the GOP would be right now, but they've been listening to 30 years of garbage to care. On the flip side I think AOC IS the future of the Democrats. Her style and messaging are spot on and completely inline with my generation's thinking on most things and her twitter game is A+. Imagine if Obama battled the right wing online like she does? He would have nipped the birther stuff in the butt. So, in many ways the old guard pretending that politics has to be dignified and that there are adults in the room are ending. Warped by cable news, social media, and NDAs.

I do however, like people who have strong opinions and can articulate them in ways that either grab the spotlight or gets something moving in Congress. It's probably the only thing I'll say Trump is an expert on. Yet I don't like blind loyalty or partisans who only focus on one partisan topic. Examples of people I have some respect for include...

On the Republican side: Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum
On the Democrats side: Beto O'Rourke, Ilhan Omar, Julian Castro, Kamala Harris, Don Lemon
Relatively independent: Chris Cuomo, Bill Maher

Besides for those listed I tend to not like people who have worked on or for campaigns where it's clear who they are defending and it's pretty pointless to have them on TV just to try to get a soundbite out of them. Oh and the anti-media sentiment in the GOP is something I really cannot stomach anymore. IDK if this makes much sense, but I hope it answers some of your questions.

IOW, you are a traitor to the country. the Democrat party is the epitome of pure Communist evil and needs to be destroyed. You sir have sided with the enemy.
There are extreme's on both sides of the fence. If you're wanting to get away from extreme's then going from one to the other is perhaps not the best way to go about it.

In any case, what about the Republican Party is extreme other than their abortion, and anti-homosexual stances? And please don't mention racism because that is only a very small minority. They don't even make up 1% of the population.

Their hatred of the media, their inexplicable coddling towards hyperactive masculinity and incel culture, their failure to speak out on racism and terrible events like Charlottesville, their misplaced devotion to monuments, their naive coddling towards Russia which allowed one of their most powerful lobbying groups The NRA to get hijacked by Russian interests, Trump silencing any and all opposition to him inside the party. Need I go on?

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