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Odds of Dems taking House/Senate? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Just to get the forum started off....

What do you guys think about the prospects for the Dems to take back either the house or the Senate this fall?

Arguments are best if they're backed up by stats on the Senate seats up for re-election, House races that are closely contested, or even Governorships.

Go nuts.
Very good. . .


Delay, Abramoff, etc. People are sick of Republican scandals. It's going to take a lot of scare tactics to get people to vote Republican again.
FinnMacCool said:
Very good. . .


Delay, Abramoff, etc. People are sick of Republican scandals. It's going to take a lot of scare tactics to get people to vote Republican again.
I heard that before...Oh yeah...

Early Noverber, 2004...:cool:
FinnMacCool said:
Very good. . .


Delay, Abramoff, etc. People are sick of Republican scandals. It's going to take a lot of scare tactics to get people to vote Republican again.

Harry Reid is a Republican?
The Real McCoy said:
Harry Reid is a Republican?

When did he say he was?

BTW, dems dont have a chance. They are probably looking bad in the eyes of the people for a lot of their inappropriate comments. Take Mrs. King's funeral for example. They took advantage of it to Bush bash. My history teach, who is a liberal, believes that this is a problem for dems. So do many of my liberal friends.
I heard that before...Oh yeah...

Early Noverber, 2004...

That's because Kerry was so boring, incompetent, and such a loser that he actually lost to Bush, who is even more boring, incompetent, and a failure. I hate Kerry.
The odds are on the Democrats side in my opinion.

No elaboration.
FinnMacCool said:
Very good. . .


Delay, Abramoff, etc. People are sick of Republican scandals. It's going to take a lot of scare tactics to get people to vote Republican again.

Some would say that there are entities out there that are influencing, persuading, and changing the political position of their employees for partisan purposes.

Some would say that several of these entities are recently privatized establishments.

Some would say that, based upon their mandate of a republican vote, that they are not private in an actual sense... it becomes a facade of collectivism.

This doesn't make any sense right now. I know. It will soon.
Conflict said:
Some would say that there are entities out there that are influencing, persuading, and changing the political position of their employees for partisan purposes.

Some would say that several of these entities are recently privatized establishments.

Some would say that, based upon their mandate of a republican vote, that they are not private in an actual sense... it becomes a facade of collectivism.

This doesn't make any sense right now. I know. It will soon.

Some would say, based on the above, that the Dems are already aware of the probability that they are going to lose yet again, are already working on their strategy to figure out how to blame the loss on something other than their no plan having, far left wing liberal nut job ownership.
FinnMacCool said:
Very good. . .


Delay, Abramoff, etc. People are sick of Republican scandals. It's going to take a lot of scare tactics to get people to vote Republican again.

You really think the voters will fall for the Democrat propaganda?
Slim to none, not enought competitive races and the Dems have nothing to offer.
Blue Collar Joe said:
Some would say, based on the above, that the Dems are already aware of the probability that they are going to lose yet again, are already working on their strategy to figure out how to blame the loss on something other than their no plan having, far left wing liberal nut job ownership.

You're a funny guy.

I like that about you.

Just don't assume too much, too soon.

I have no partisan bone to pick.


Get used to it.
Stinger said:
Slim to none, not enought competitive races and the Dems have nothing to offer.

I guess from the outside looking in... the democrats don't have anything to offer...

THe republicans offer scandal, war, infringement of civil liberty, nonsensical aggression., State controlled mediums, .... and you think they're really conservative? MwuahaH!

Conflict said:
I guess from the outside looking in... the democrats don't have anything to offer...

I vote Democrat quite often,

THe republicans offer scandal,

No the Democrats try to offer scandal as an issue and they are falling on their face over it. If you think their petty attempts to use the "culture of corruoption" propaganda is going to work I got a bridge to sell ya. Heck even the liberal media is having to admit Reid is just as "quilty" as any Republican. If the Dems want to win they have to offer clear conceise alternatives to Republcian programs and iniatives. Their bogus propaganda only works on die hard Democrats it won't win anyone over to them.

Democrats voted for it and now seem weak as far a national security, that is a losing ticket for them.

infringement of civil liberty,

Another non-starter but if they want to run on the platform that they will not engage in foriegn survielence, have at it.

nonsensical aggression.,

another non=starter

State controlled mediums,

Ahhh it's the Dems and the left that want to control speech, and they lose on that one too.

.... and you think they're really conservative? MwuahaH!

Certainly more so than most Dems.

but bottom line is there are not enough races they can win to take over either house, at least not at this point.
Don't think I am a dyed in the wool republican, Conflict. Typically, I make my decision to vote based on who is going to screw me the least painfully. And lets be honest. The Dem's love to raise taxes and fund special interests, so they have the most direct impact on me.
Conflict said:
You're a funny guy.

I like that about you.

Just don't assume too much, too soon.

I have no partisan bone to pick.


Get used to it.

So tell me, the Dems, last fall, made the tactical mistake of stating they had not plan for anything. But they promise to have one after the first of the year. Where is it?

Can you answer these without stooping to asserting what Republicans will do that you don't like? Try to answer without saying "Republican", they what specifically the Dems plans are.

What are they going to do about Social Security that I should vote for them?
What are they going to do about our national security that I should vote for them?
What are they going to do about insuring the economy keeps growing and creating jobs that I should vote for them?
What are they going to do about health care that I should vote for them?
Blue Collar Joe said:
Don't think I am a dyed in the wool republican, Conflict. Typically, I make my decision to vote based on who is going to screw me the least painfully. And lets be honest. The Dem's love to raise taxes and fund special interests, so they have the most direct impact on me.

Oops you replied to me instead of Conflict. But I like you am an independent, I have asked Conflict to give me reasons to vote FOR Democrats, not reasons to vote against Republicans.
Stinger said:
I vote Democrat quite often,

I never have.

Stinger said:
No the Democrats try to offer scandal as an issue and they are falling on their face over it. If you think their petty attempts to use the "culture of corruoption" propaganda is going to work I got a bridge to sell ya. Heck even the liberal media is having to admit Reid is just as "quilty" as any Republican. If the Dems want to win they have to offer clear conceise alternatives to Republcian programs and iniatives. Their bogus propaganda only works on die hard Democrats it won't win anyone over to them.

I disagree. THe moderate democrats have slow played the issue and pretty much outwitted the congregation.

Stinger said:
Democrats voted for it and now seem weak as far a national security, that is a losing ticket for them.

I agree with you here. Albeit I don't agree with the GOP on the issue either.

Stinger said:
Another non-starter but if they want to run on the platform that they will not engage in foriegn survielence, have at it.

There are greater things in life than politics.

stinger said:
another non=starter

Another quasi-intellectual concession in the name of partisan politics.

Stinger said:
Ahhh it's the Dems and the left that want to control speech, and they lose on that one too.

I've seen no substance in regard to this conjecture.

Stinger said:
Certainly more so than most Dems.

Whatever. I used to feel connected with conservatives... now I feel like they are trying to do to me what they've done to the democrats.

Stinger said:
but bottom line is there are not enough races they can win to take over either house, at least not at this point.

I believe that you are wrong. Only time will tell.
Last edited:
The dems need a solid plan rather than the tired "Anything but Bush" rhetoric if they're to gain any power.
I think the Dems would have a pretty good chance if they had the balls to stand up to the Bush admin. more often. Half the time they wont even defend themselves attack. Counting on the scandals and the fact Bush is doing a bad job to guarantee them a win isn't enough. They're going to have to push hard and act like they actually want the jobs. Basically they need to act the exact opposite of John Kerry.
Stinger said:
What are they going to do about Social Security that I should vote for them?

They would do nothing, which would be better than extorting that which had been paid in by taxpayers on a subsidized ticket and capitalizing it to the state.

Stinger said:
What are they going to do about our national security that I should vote for them?

What has Bush done? Our borders are free pickens..... Let's just forget about national security and attack some random oil enriched state that our father deems profitable.

Stinger said:
What are they going to do about insuring the economy keeps growing and creating jobs that I should vote for them?

Free trade, right? I suppose under trade deficit you'd rather be owned by China? Thanks Dubbya!

stinger said:
What are they going to do about health care that I should vote for them?

I think that dems and cons are equally braindead on healthcare. Look at Norway.

Yes, Norway. A tiny little scandanavian state. They have healthcare for the masses. Shame on them!

The GOP can't seem to do this.
The Dems should have a picnic considering that more and more people aren't satisfied with Bush and the fact that he isn't doing anything about SS and Healthcare. Also the GOP controls all three branches so some people might be frightened. Also there are the scandals that the GOP is involved with. The thing is though, the Dems aren't capitalizing on any of this. They seem to be sitting back and hoping that the GOP continues to do crappy.
Conflict said:
They would do nothing, which would be better than extorting that which had been paid in by taxpayers on a subsidized ticket and capitalizing it to the state.

One of a myriad of reasons why I don't vote democrat.

Conflict said:
What has Bush done? Our borders are free pickens..... Let's just forget about national security and attack some random oil enriched state that our father deems profitable.

What has Bush done? Signed the Patriot Act? Gave more leniancy to the intelligence community and law enforcement agencies. Increased airport security by leaps and bounds. Just signed a bill that'll put thousands more border patrol agents along the Mexican border. What initiatives have the democrats taken?

Conflict said:
Free trade, right? I suppose under trade deficit you'd rather be owned by China? Thanks Dubbya!

But tariffs are wonderful! :roll:

Conflict said:
I think that dems and cons are equally braindead on healthcare. Look at Norway.

Yes, Norway. A tiny little scandanavian state. They have healthcare for the masses. Shame on them!

The GOP can't seem to do this.

Many countries have national health care systems. They tend to fail. We need to lower the costs of health care, not have the gov't (taxpayer) foot the bill.
Conflict said:
Some would say that there are entities out there that are influencing, persuading, and changing the political position of their employees for partisan purposes.

Some would say that several of these entities are recently privatized establishments.

Some would say that, based upon their mandate of a republican vote, that they are not private in an actual sense... it becomes a facade of collectivism.

This doesn't make any sense right now. I know. It will soon.

HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA wow what amazing insight, pray, tell us more.

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