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Obscene United State Supreme Court judge? (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

Coming out of a church service, a reporter asked Scalia that, since he was Roman Catholic, if he had any difficulty of showing impartiality when deciding on church and state issues. Scalia then said "You know what I say to those people?" He then stuck his middle finger prominently in the air and said "That's Sicilian." That was quite an unseemly thing for a Supreme Court Justice to do, but it IS hilarious.

Article is here.

So, did Scalia drink too much communion wine at church? LOL.
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

danarhea said:
So, did Scalia drink too much communion wine at church? LOL.
Anyone with the intelligence of an artichoke knows the answer. (Sound familiar, dana?)
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

He is just a man, and he only gets asked that question a billion times a day, good for him, shows he is human, and not perfect.;)
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

KCConservative said:
Anyone with the intelligence of an artichoke knows the answer. (Sound familiar, dana?)

I'm not dana, but it does have the familiar tone of almost every one of your scathing yet oddly irrelevant posts. :roll:
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

jallman said:
I'm not dana, but it does have the familiar tone of almost every one of your scathing yet oddly irrelevant posts. :roll:
And if you were dana, you'd know that I was quoting him from another thread. The artichoke crack is in his own words. Have a nice day. :2wave:
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

KCConservative said:
And if you were dana, you'd know that I was quoting him from another thread. The artichoke crack is in his own words. Have a nice day. :2wave:

I know, I know...but I wanted to be part of the mud-slinging too today, dammit. :mrgreen:
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

jallman said:
I know, I know...but I wanted to be part of the mud-slinging too today, dammit. :mrgreen:
I doubt you did know, actually. But if mudslinging was your goal, I'm sure dana would be proud of you.
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

Anyone ever think to question how we seem to be treating our civil servants? I mean, I don't expect anyone to feel sorry for them, but we do force these kinds of frustrations sometimes, and that says more about us, then it does about them. This man has been good enough to speak at many places, and to all kinds of people, and he gets some tuff questions, I have been there when this has happened.
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Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

KCConservative said:
I doubt you did know, actually. But if mudslinging was your goal, I'm sure dana would be proud of you.

Well it wasnt like you were totally transparent with the

KCConservative said:
(Sound familiar, dana?)

And truth be told, you are a fine one to talk about someone else mudslinging as most of your posts really are just trifling snipes at anyone and anything you happen to point your mouse at that day.
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

Between Danarhea and Cassapolis, I have never seen this site filled with more petty, trivial threads with such little substance.

Who cares if Scalia flipped someone the bird? Could this be more inane? How about starting something interesting about Scalia, like the validity of his rulings or something.
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

aquapub said:
Between Danarhea and Cassapolis, I have never seen this site filled with more petty, trivial threads with such little substance.

Who cares if Scalia flipped someone the bird? Could this be more inane? How about starting something interesting about Scalia, like the validity of his rulings or something.

I have never seen this cassapolis person or had a run-in with them before.
Golly gee, we already have an alleged pervert on the USSC (Thomas) and now it seems we have an out of control religious extremist too. What is wrong with that nut Scalia? Talk about no respect.

For God's sake, he is a US Supreme Court judge, why doesen't he act like one? I don't trust that wanna be activist judge. Do you?


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia used an Italian hand gesture when questioned by a reporter after attending church this past weekend.

The Boston Herald reported Monday that the justice made "an obscene gesture under his chin" -- which prompted some online reports that Scalia had used his middle finger...
KidRocks said:
Golly gee, we already have an alleged pervert on the USSC (Thomas) and now it seems we have an out of control religious extremist too. What is wrong with that nut Scalia? Talk about no respect.

For God's sake, he is a US Supreme Court judge, why doesen't he act like one? I don't trust that wanna be activist judge. Do you?


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia used an Italian hand gesture when questioned by a reporter after attending church this past weekend.

The Boston Herald reported Monday that the justice made "an obscene gesture under his chin" -- which prompted some online reports that Scalia had used his middle finger...

In your zest to hate on anything coming from the right, you missed the fact that this is already being discussed here.;)

KidRocks said:
Golly gee, we already have an alleged pervert on the USSC (Thomas) and now it seems we have an out of control religious extremist too. What is wrong with that nut Scalia? Talk about no respect.

For God's sake, he is a US Supreme Court judge, why doesen't he act like one? I don't trust that wanna be activist judge. Do you?


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia used an Italian hand gesture when questioned by a reporter after attending church this past weekend.

The Boston Herald reported Monday that the justice made "an obscene gesture under his chin" -- which prompted some online reports that Scalia had used his middle finger...
I beat ya to it again. LOL. Its right here. Come on in and join the mud slinging fest, since the mods have told me that I am fair game to anyone who wants to take pot shots at me..

Crap, I think I will take a pot shot at myself. Why not? Its completely within the rules here, so if everyone else is allowed to chew my a$$, I might as well take a bite too. It must be delicious, considering the extent at which it is being chewed. I might even start a company to start selling bites. Might as well make a profit too. The mods can come up with a brand name for it, since after all, its their idea. LOL.
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KidRocks said:
Sorry, didn't see it, will you forgive me?:(

No, I cast you out of the kingdom, never to return............I don't care, just giving you a heads up. I suggest getting with Dan when you sign on, he usually has beaten you to the punch, or vise versa.;)
Mods, wake up and merge this post with Dana's if you want, you have my permission. :cool:

Or delete it if you so desire... *POOF*
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

Here's what he said after he flipped the guy off:

“It’s none of their business,” continued Scalia, who was the keynote speaker at yesterday’s Catholic Lawyers’ Guild luncheon. “This is my spiritual life. I shall lead it the way I like.”


I say good for him. Freedom of religion is one of our country's founding principles. The ones who think that is synonymous with freedom from religion are misguided at best.
Dang you Danarhea, you are putting a crimp in my style. It seems I now have to actually read before I post so that I won't double up. Quit posting so much... get a life!

LOL... and I love it!
KidRocks said:
For God's sake, he is a US Supreme Court judge, why doesen't he act like one? I don't trust that wanna be activist judge. Do you?

He flipped off a reporter who was trying to bait him into an argument about whether or not someone who is religious should be a judge. The reporter deserved to be flipped off and people need to remember that as Americans we are free to practice any religion we want! Freedom of religion and freedom from religion are two different concepts. The ones I don't trust are the ones trying to force God out of the country entirely. I'm not religious but I do understand that I have the absolute right to be religious now and at any time in the future if I feel so inclined.:bootyshake
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Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

talloulou said:
Here's what he said after he flipped the guy off:

“It’s none of their business,” continued Scalia, who was the keynote speaker at yesterday’s Catholic Lawyers’ Guild luncheon. “This is my spiritual life. I shall lead it the way I like.”


I say good for him. Freedom of religion is one of our country's founding principles. The ones who think that is synonymous with freedom from religion are misguided at best.
Finally, something to the topic, and not someone slinging mud at me. Since a mod told me that stalking and sniping at me is completely within the rules, I thought I would never see an honest answer. Thank you.

Scalia's religion is his business. However, the separation clause is every American's business. The question as to whether Scalia could be impartial is a fair one. All Scalia had to do was answer with a simple "Yes, I can be impartial". Instead, he made himself look silly.
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Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

danarhea said:
Finally, something to the topic, and not slinging of mud at me. Thank you.

Scalia's religion is his business. However, the separation clause is every American's business. The question as to whether Scalia could be impartial is a fair one. All Scalia had to do was answer with a simple "Yes, I can be impartial". Instead, he made himself look silly.

My post was certainly to the topic, you might think about what I said, some people can only take so much, we both know this from experience.
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

Deegan said:
My post was certainly to the topic, you might think about what I said, some people can only take so much, we both know this from experience.

If Scalia can be so rankled so easily, then his ability to rule impartially seems to be impaired. A Supreme is no better than any other civil servant, be that a Congressman or a President. If he cant take the heat, he needs to get out of the kitchen. He might learn a few things from Bush. Say what you want about him, but he conducts himself presidentially in that regard. Am glad Scalia is not an ambassador. I can see him starting World War III with his middle finger. LOL.
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

danarhea said:
Scalia's religion is his business. However, the separation clause is every American's business. The question as to whether Scalia could be impartial is a fair one. All Scalia had to do was answer with a simple "Yes, I can be impartial". Instead, he made himself look silly.

I don't think he made himself look silly. I think it's funny. And the fact that he can attend mass one minute and give a reporter the finger on his way out the door a minute later proves he has no trouble being impartial. :rofl
Re: Scalia Gives a Sicilian Gift

danarhea said:
If Scalia can be so rankled so easily, then his ability to rule impartially seems to be impaired. A Supreme is no better than any other civil servant, be that a Congressman or a President. If he cant take the heat, he needs to get out of the kitchen. He might learn a few things from Bush. Say what you want about him, but he conducts himself presidentially in that regard. Am glad Scalia is not an ambassador. I can see him starting World War III with his middle finger. LOL.

"So easily", this has been going on since he was confirmed, now they are waiting outside his church for God's sake!:roll:

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