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Obamanation (1 Viewer)

thanks for giving a weak president
Those responsible for Benghazi, the "masterminds" : H. Clinton. B. Obama.. They didn't want Stevens rescued and the attack stopped because it would expose the fact that Islamic terrorism isn't on the decline, and our government is actually arming Islamic terrorists groups.

What brought about Benghazi: Arms trade via Turkey to Syria, which Stevens got cold feet on, which explains why the Turkish Ambassador was meeting with Stevens in the CIA compound immediately before its attack.

The reason that the use of chemical weapons wasn't a "red line" is it was soon exposed by the U.N. that those who used those chemical weapons was not the Syrian government itself, but the very rebels that Obama is arming, and still our forces were sent to the Syrian border.

The reason Snowden isn't returned: our government is corrupt, not Snowden himself, with our government spying on not only its own citizens, but also allies, as exposed recently. .

Obama isn't doing "nothing", he's doing everything, and is extraordinarily successful at it, given that his goal is the corruption and collapse of this country.

Until one can accurately identify the problems, one cannot hope to resolve those problems. It's not just the democrats that are enabling this, but the corrupt GOP as well, every bit as Complicit.

Who is calling for the use of American military in Syria? McCain and Graham, the two corrupt bookends, among others. Why did the U.S. not learn from Shah of Iran, and the student revolution, or Iraq, or Egypt that without first having any sort of civil society, that the only thing Democratic Elections accomplish is populist instituted tyrannous dictatorships? The answer is not that they're stupid, but they want this sort of tyranny and turmoil to be present in the Middle East.

There's a reason that this country is not any sort of Democracy, and deliberately so.
it wasnt sopposed to be ,its a democratic republic
No, were' not a "democratic" anything.

We're not a Democratic Republic <though that's closer than many guesses>.

We're not a Representative Democracy

We're not a Constitutional Democracy.

In fact the mere election of a some of the representatives, does not alter our form of government at all, nor what that government might do. While voting may be "democrat-ic" in nature, it is only a processes applied to occupying the office(s), and not affecting the form or terms of our government.

What we are is a Constitutional Republic.
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