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Obamacare offers firms $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born workers (1 Viewer)


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Mar 9, 2012
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Obama amnesty, Obamacare clash: Businesses have $3,000 incentive to hire illegals - Washington Times

Obamacare offers firms $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born workers
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Under the president’s new amnesty, businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers because of a quirk of Obamacare.

President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.

Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

Sure, all those American Born Workers are just too Lazy to get a degree and apply for the job...

Wait! They did spend three long years taking 20 credit hours a semester, including summers, to get the Tech Degree...

And they DID apply for the job!

And the people who do not have the education, or citizenship or even speak the language, get the jobs?

Hugh... What's really going on here?

Here is an article about DHS now hiring foreigners instead of Americans:

DHS Moves to Expand Program Incentivizing Hiring Foreign Students - Breitbart

DHS Moves to Expand Program Incentivizing Hiring Foreign Students

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is proposing an expansion to a program that allows foreign students with science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) degrees to work in the U.S.

The changes were first announced in conjunction with President Obama’s executive actions on immigration reform in November and aims to increase the amount of time under the Optional Practical Training program that foreign students may work in the U.S.

The OPT program allows foreign students in certain fields to extend their stay in the U.S. by working to attain “practical training.” The rule up for consideration, would allow hundreds of thousands of foreigners in the STEM fields to work in the U.S. via the OPT program for three years, expanding the program from the current 29 months to 36 months.

Critics of the proposal point out that the students are likely to end up being less expensive than American workers and increase the already stiff competition for STEM jobs among Americans with STEM degrees looking for work or Americans with such degrees employed in non-STEM fields.

Center for Immigration Studies expert David North highlights, for example, that since DHS defines these foreign workers under this program as “students” they are largely not required to pay social security and Medicare taxes.

“In the current document, DHS proposes to extend the additional 17 months for STEM workers to 24 months; thus from a total period of 29 months to 36 months, about a 20 percent increase. If the bonus given to employers for hiring a STEM graduate is worth $10,000 under the old rules, it is now worth $12,000, and is that much more likely to cause an employer to hire a former F-1 student than a green card or citizen graduate,” North wrote in an analysis...

Just what is the Terror Cell Vetting process for the hiring of Foreigners for our Homeland Security?

Surely America has American Born we can hire to protect our Homeland Security?

Obama amnesty, Obamacare clash: Businesses have $3,000 incentive to hire illegals - Washington Times

Sure, all those American Born Workers are just too Lazy to get a degree and apply for the job...

Wait! They did spend three long years taking 20 credit hours a semester, including summers, to get the Tech Degree...

And they DID apply for the job!

And the people who do not have the education, or citizenship or even speak the language, get the jobs?

Hugh... What's really going on here?


Only labor intensive minimum wage jobs would find 3000 attractive. I work in automotive, it is like any skilled trade. The employers want skilled people to make them money, and 3k is not a dealbreaker to them, the dealbreaker is who makes them money.

A mcdonalds might not care, or a gas station clerk, but for a mechanic, a welder, an ac repair man, a web designer etc the labors skill always produces more than how cheap their labor is.
It will be nice to have the worse president since WWII leave the White House in January.
Obama amnesty, Obamacare clash: Businesses have $3,000 incentive to hire illegals - Washington Times

Sure, all those American Born Workers are just too Lazy to get a degree and apply for the job...

Wait! They did spend three long years taking 20 credit hours a semester, including summers, to get the Tech Degree...

And they DID apply for the job!

And the people who do not have the education, or citizenship or even speak the language, get the jobs?

Hugh... What's really going on here?


Same answer to your other question. It is about future votes.
it would be nice if you didnt sucker for a fake website. do your homework.

I didn't have to rely on a website to conclude BO is the worse leftist leader since WWII. I knew that years ago, K? ;)
Obama amnesty, Obamacare clash: Businesses have $3,000 incentive to hire illegals - Washington Times

Sure, all those American Born Workers are just too Lazy to get a degree and apply for the job...

Wait! They did spend three long years taking 20 credit hours a semester, including summers, to get the Tech Degree...

And they DID apply for the job!

And the people who do not have the education, or citizenship or even speak the language, get the jobs?

Hugh... What's really going on here?


Any business that hires undocumented workers has much more to lose than 3,000 dollars.
I didn't have to rely on a website to conclude BO is the worse leftist leader since WWII. I knew that years ago, K? ;)

you can be as irrationnal as you want. is he a leftist? not hardly mostly he is just bush light.
It will be nice to have the worse president since WWII leave the White House in January.

Are you telling me that George W. still hasn't moved out? Obama needs to put his foot down and tell those freeloaders to move on.
Are you telling me that George W. still hasn't moved out? Obama needs to put his foot down and tell those freeloaders to move on.

By definition*, a winger can't be a freeloader.

* - Conservapedia
Obamacare incentivizes hiring illegal aliens the same way the IRS incentivizes robbing a bank.
democrats; the party of...everyone who isn't American and employed.

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