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Obama Voter Explains Why He SWITCHED To The Republicans And Is Running For Congress, SLAMS Democrats (1 Viewer)


Photo of me taken in the Army 1963
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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Meridian, Idaho
Political Leaning
Poster switched to Fogerty which led to this video.

[video]Obama Voter Explains Why He SWITCHED To The Republicans And Is Running For Congress, SLAMS Democrats[/video]
Who really cares what one individual does?

Alert me when the GOP again controls both Congressional houses.
Poster switched to Fogerty which led to this video.

[video]Obama Voter Explains Why He SWITCHED To The Republicans And Is Running For Congress, SLAMS Democrats[/video]

And this is important because ?
Poster switched to Fogerty which led to this video.

[video]Obama Voter Explains Why He SWITCHED To The Republicans And Is Running For Congress, SLAMS Democrats[/video]
According to Joe Biden, it's because he's a racist.
You found a YouTube video... great... we should alert the media at this exodus from the party.
Black Republicans running for office won't be news soon

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