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Obama Immediately Exploits Dallas Murders to Promote Citizen Disarmament (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
At this writing, all that’s known for sure is that at least five police officers have been killed and others have been wounded in a sniper attack at a Dallas rally protesting the recent killings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana. Reports claim there were at least two killers, that an accomplice(s) is in custody, and that others are being sought. Other reports say one of the killers claimed he wanted to kill white people.

So naturally, never one to be late to a blood dance, Barack Obama signaled the administration’s intent to exploit the killings as an opportunity to keep pushing for citizen disarmament at a time when Republican resolve (an oxymoron in itself much of the time) appears to be wavering.

Obama Immediately Exploits Dallas Murders to Promote Citizen Disarmament
At this writing, all that’s known for sure is that at least five police officers have been killed and others have been wounded in a sniper attack at a Dallas rally protesting the recent killings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana. Reports claim there were at least two killers, that an accomplice(s) is in custody, and that others are being sought. Other reports say one of the killers claimed he wanted to kill white people.

So naturally, never one to be late to a blood dance, Barack Obama signaled the administration’s intent to exploit the killings as an opportunity to keep pushing for citizen disarmament at a time when Republican resolve (an oxymoron in itself much of the time) appears to be wavering.

Obama Immediately Exploits Dallas Murders to Promote Citizen Disarmament
Seriously. At the present, do you actually believe that legislation on all that you are worried about would be possible to reach Obama's desk? :roll:
At this writing, all that’s known for sure is that at least five police officers have been killed and others have been wounded in a sniper attack at a Dallas rally protesting the recent killings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana. Reports claim there were at least two killers, that an accomplice(s) is in custody, and that others are being sought. Other reports say one of the killers claimed he wanted to kill white people.

So naturally, never one to be late to a blood dance, Barack Obama signaled the administration’s intent to exploit the killings as an opportunity to keep pushing for citizen disarmament at a time when Republican resolve (an oxymoron in itself much of the time) appears to be wavering.

Obama Immediately Exploits Dallas Murders to Promote Citizen Disarmament

What a perfect example of blindly buying into right-wing echo-chamber misinformation.

The source claims there were at least two killers, never mind that the Dallas PD has stated that the killer appears to have acted alone, and there is as yet ZERO evidence other than one unverified claim by a never-before-heard-of group claiming responsibility.

But this is how MickeyW (and apdst, who also thinks the killer was part of a "black terrorist group") and people like him get all wound up about the minorities. They do NOT verify their sources' claims, their sources themselves do not verify the claims they make...and neither MickeyW nor apdst seem to see any necessity in making sure claims are verified before believing them.

They apparently don't feel that they need anything other than their own assumptions in order to pass judgement.
At this writing, all that’s known for sure is that at least five police officers have been killed and others have been wounded in a sniper attack at a Dallas rally protesting the recent killings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana. Reports claim there were at least two killers, that an accomplice(s) is in custody, and that others are being sought. Other reports say one of the killers claimed he wanted to kill white people.

So naturally, never one to be late to a blood dance, Barack Obama signaled the administration’s intent to exploit the killings as an opportunity to keep pushing for citizen disarmament at a time when Republican resolve (an oxymoron in itself much of the time) appears to be wavering.

Obama Immediately Exploits Dallas Murders to Promote Citizen Disarmament

I see advocates of the Bannerrhoid effort are whining about your point. Of course Obama will exploit the deaths even though if he had a son, that son might look like the killer.
Seriously. At the present, do you actually believe that legislation on all that you are worried about would be possible to reach Obama's desk? :roll:

Legislation? Naw!...Exec. Orders?...he might try!

What a perfect example of blindly buying into right-wing echo-chamber misinformation.

The source claims there were at least two killers, never mind that the Dallas PD has stated that the killer appears to have acted alone, and there is as yet ZERO evidence other than one unverified claim by a never-before-heard-of group claiming responsibility.

But this is how MickeyW (and apdst, who also thinks the killer was part of a "black terrorist group") and people like him get all wound up about the minorities. They do NOT verify their sources' claims, their sources themselves do not verify the claims they make...and neither MickeyW nor apdst seem to see any necessity in making sure claims are verified before believing them.

They apparently don't feel that they need anything other than their own assumptions in order to pass judgement.

Oh right....like the MSM actually verify all their sources, before changing or lying about the facts, to suit their narrative!

I'm not going on any assumptions, just posting an alternative perspective....Stop your whining.
Besides, you full well know that obama will never let a crisis go to waste, if he can make political hay from it.

When he went to Roseburg, Oregon, after the UCC shooting, he was met by 8,000 protesters who let him know in very uncertain terms, that they were not pleased with his politics on guns! Of course, the media ignored the protesters because they were too white or too pro-gun...but I went there and I saw them first hand and I protested alongside of them and I'm normally not one to do that.

I see advocates of the Bannerrhoid effort are whining about your point. Of course Obama will exploit the deaths even though if he had a son, that son might look like the killer.

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At this writing, all that’s known for sure is that at least five police officers have been killed and others have been wounded in a sniper attack at a Dallas rally protesting the recent killings of two black men in Minnesota and Louisiana. Reports claim there were at least two killers, that an accomplice(s) is in custody, and that others are being sought. Other reports say one of the killers claimed he wanted to kill white people.

So naturally, never one to be late to a blood dance, Barack Obama signaled the administration’s intent to exploit the killings as an opportunity to keep pushing for citizen disarmament at a time when Republican resolve (an oxymoron in itself much of the time) appears to be wavering.

Obama Immediately Exploits Dallas Murders to Promote Citizen Disarmament

How much does the NRA pay you to post this nonsense?

Oh wait, it's you, that explains the post and its fruity flavor
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How much does the NRA pay you to post this nonsense?

far less than the bannerrhoid movement pays you to post lies about gun ownership?

why do the gun banners always whine about the NRA and never black criminals?
far less than the bannerrhoid movement pays you to post lies about gun ownership?

why do the gun banners always whine about the NRA and never black criminals?

Provide a link to were I have EVER remarked on gun ownership

You wont because it is not important to me
Provide a link to were I have EVER remarked on gun ownership

You wont because it is not important to me

As you often do TD, you assumed

No apology needed
Provide a link to were I have EVER remarked on gun ownership

You wont because it is not important to me

if its not important than why the blood clot crying over Mickey W's posts?
As you often do TD, you assumed

No apology needed

Can you reply without the droll sarcasm, perhaps just once.

Over and out. I have lost interest
Can you reply without the droll sarcasm, perhaps just once.

Over and out. I have lost interest

are you talking to yourself?

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