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Nyc voting mess watchdog orders audit: 'confidence lost' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
New York voters battled closed polling stations and broken machines Tuesday morning during the city’s first relevant primary in decades.

At PS 73 in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, residents waiting for the polls to open at 6 a.m. were furious that workers couldn’t access keys to the facility.

“You can’t vote nor cast any type of ballot. They (the keys to the building) are in a locked box and no one has the key,” Torsha Childs wrote on Facebook. “You can’t even get inside the building, you are being turned away at the door way. WOW !!!”

It’s NYC’s first relevant primary in decades, and the polls are a mess | New York Post

There are those NY values! :lamo

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