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NY Dems push for law mandating 500 hours of training for "shampoo assistants" (1 Viewer)


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Feb 25, 2018
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Ah. Good move. Add an onerous and idiotic licensing requirement during the middle of a pandemic with unemployment at record highs. Of course this will affect minorities and immigrants the hardest. The Dems in new York hate it when people earn their own money and get off the Dem grain dole.

They already require ONE THOUSAND HOURS of schooling to cut hair or trim nails. Now they want to require 500 hours just to wash someone's hair. Why?

Vote Republican.

NY Dems push for law mandating 500 hours of training for ‘shampoo assistants’

By Jon LevineAugust 8, 2020 | 3:04pm

Washing hair is about to get a lot more complicated if a trio of Albany Democrats have their way.

A new bill moving through the State Assembly and Senate will require “shampoo assistants� working in hair salons to complete a minimum of 500 hours of a 1,000-hour course in cosmetology. The completion of 500 hours will entitle applicants to a newly established “Shampoo Assistant Certificate.�

The legislation is sponsored in the Assembly by Carrie Woerner of Saratoga Springs and John T. McDonald III of Albany. A companion Senate bill was introduced by Sen. Jen Metzger of Middletown.

There is currently no entry for “shampoo assistant� in the state’s division of licensing services manual. Outside watchdog groups told The Post the proposal was a ridiculous new regulation that would make it harder for some people to find work even as the state faces historic unemployment.

The job primarily involves draping the client, lathering the head and rinsing, and odd jobs like sweeping hair off the floor.

“It’s crazy. Talk about being an obstruction to people getting after-school jobs or an entry-level job, or being able to make a living while learning a trade,� Cam MacDonald, of the Empire Center for Public Policy, told The Post.

Cosmetology school isn’t cheap, with programs in New York running around $13,000. “The evidence points to this being a barrier to entry that favors existing cosmetologists and the cosmetology schools,� MacDonald said.

“It’s shocking that with so many New Yorkers out of work that some legislators want to throw obstacles in front of job seekers. Their focus should be on cutting taxes and regulations, not creating more,� added Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, a Staten Island Republican.

NY Dems push for law mandating training for 'shampoo assistants'
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Ah. Good move. Add an onerous and idiotic licensing requirement during the middle of a pandemic with unemployment at record highs. Of course this will affect minorities and immigrants the hardest. The Dems in new York hate it when people earn their own money and get off the Dem grain dole.

They already require ONE THOUSAND HOURS of schooling to cut hair or trim nails. Now they want to require 500 hours just to wash someone's hair. Why?

Vote Republican.

Holy ****!!!?? a thousand hours to cut hair? **** me sideways. 500 hours to shampoo hair? WTF kind of crack are these bureaucratic idiots on.

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