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NY AG expands Trump Organization civil investigation to include role of appraiser (Cushman & Wakefield) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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There are probably so many Trump crimes that they'll be investigated for decades.

And again, NEVER EVER do business or work for trump and all his crooks.

"In an effort to determine whether certain valuations prepared by Cushman were fraudulent or misleading, and whether Cushman itself has engaged in fraudulent or misleading practices in its issuance of appraisals, (The Office of the Attorney General) has issued a series of subpoenas to Cushman including most recently subpoenas issued in September 2021 and February 2022," James' office wrote.

Cushman has objected to the subpoenas, citing client confidentiality and harassment, among other things, according to court filings.

James' office has previously alleged there were multiple misstatements in the company's financial statements. The findings are part of its ongoing civil investigation into the Trump Organization and whether it defrauded borrowers, lenders, and tax authorities who relied upon those statements."

An “appraiser“ would seem insulate Trump from charges that he inflated/deflated his assets depending upon who would be viewing the valuations.

…….unless there is documentation of Trump paying for bogus numbers?

How would an “appraiser” claim confidentiality?
An “appraiser“ would seem insulate Trump from charges that he inflated/deflated his assets depending upon who would be viewing the valuations.

…….unless there is documentation of Trump paying for bogus numbers?

How would an “appraiser” claim confidentiality?
you can be sure of one thing. the appraiser isn't gonna want to go down for trump's crimes.

this now puts massive pressure on them to either lawyer up or come clean.
"Appraisal" fraud and the ensuing tax evasion is really something this country needs to address.

1- Pay some random idiot $5000 for some garbage painting that's just colors slapped on canvas
2- Have one of your appraiser buddies declare it's worth $20,000
3- Donate the "$20,000" painting to a museum also run by a friend.
4- Write off $20,000 in "charity" on a $5000 purchase.
you can be sure of one thing. the appraiser isn't gonna want to go down for trump's crimes.

this now puts massive pressure on them to either lawyer up or come clean.
Maybe they pull a “Mazars?”

If the accountants won’t stand with him, it doesn’t look good for someone providing the number……


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