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Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2015
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Very Liberal
Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade | Fox News

I just don't understand this ?
Are not we Liberal / Progressives firmly in control in California?

We do all of those things opposite to the idiotic Right / Conservatives who are greedy and racist pigs.

We open our doors to the world, welcome all people from all cultures, promote ethnic diversity (especially peace loving Muslims) spend billions of taxpayer dollars on sanctuary cities, collect massive taxes from business to support all of our guests, prosecute those who defend their religious nonsense but defend the few who have real human dilemmas such as gender identity ....

Why on Earth would anyone want to LEAVE such a paradise ??
Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade | Fox News

I just don't understand this ?
Are not we Liberal / Progressives firmly in control in California?

We do all of those things opposite to the idiotic Right / Conservatives who are greedy and racist pigs.

We open our doors to the world, welcome all people from all cultures, promote ethnic diversity (especially peace loving Muslims) spend billions of taxpayer dollars on sanctuary cities, collect massive taxes from business to support all of our guests, prosecute those who defend their religious nonsense but defend the few who have real human dilemmas such as gender identity ....

Why on Earth would anyone want to LEAVE such a paradise ??

I don't care as long as they leave.
Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade | Fox News
I just don't understand this ?Are not we Liberal / Progressives firmly in control in California? We do all of those things opposite to the idiotic Right / Conservatives who are greedy and racist pigs. We open our doors to the world, welcome all people from all cultures, promote ethnic diversity (especially peace loving Muslims) spend billions of taxpayer dollars on sanctuary cities, collect massive taxes from business to support all of our guests, prosecute those who defend their religious nonsense but defend the few who have real human dilemmas such as gender identity ....Why on Earth would anyone want to LEAVE such a paradise ??

Oh how the facts are twisted... if California is a progressive paradise how did ARNOLD get to be the cigar stompin' Hummer driving nanny screwing head of state??? :confused:

How did Prop 8 pass???

Still the faux noise bull gets tossed around... the facts are those leaving are the poorer educated and lower paid citizens- apparently Texas is the new haven for poorer educated Americans looking for paradise on under 50K a year though in Texas they would probably be making 10K less than that... :peace
Lulz. Can't tell if you're joking or not.

Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade | Fox News

I just don't understand this ?
Are not we Liberal / Progressives firmly in control in California?

We do all of those things opposite to the idiotic Right / Conservatives who are greedy and racist pigs.

We open our doors to the world, welcome all people from all cultures, promote ethnic diversity (especially peace loving Muslims) spend billions of taxpayer dollars on sanctuary cities, collect massive taxes from business to support all of our guests, prosecute those who defend their religious nonsense but defend the few who have real human dilemmas such as gender identity ....

Why on Earth would anyone want to LEAVE such a paradise ??
California’s taxes and regulations are crushing businesses

Nothing more needs to be said. Big government has become too much of a burden on business. Move somewhere that will let the hard working people make money instead of supporting over bloated government.
Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade | Fox News

I just don't understand this ?
Are not we Liberal / Progressives firmly in control in California?

We do all of those things opposite to the idiotic Right / Conservatives who are greedy and racist pigs.

We open our doors to the world, welcome all people from all cultures, promote ethnic diversity (especially peace loving Muslims) spend billions of taxpayer dollars on sanctuary cities, collect massive taxes from business to support all of our guests, prosecute those who defend their religious nonsense but defend the few who have real human dilemmas such as gender identity ....

Why on Earth would anyone want to LEAVE such a paradise ??

Last I recall, your "progressive" lean doesn't really reflect what you tend to post...which tells me your level of sincerity may well be lacking.

But to address your claim:

Just because more Californians have left for Texas than vice versa doesn't mean much of anything. Why? California used to be a rather conservative state - remember Reagan, Gray, and Schwarznegger? But in the past decade or so, the percentage of people in California who identify as conservative has been dropping like a rock. The conservatives took a good state and ran its economy into the ground, and it took a good liberal named Jerry Brown to bring its budget back from a huge freaking deficit to the surplus it should have been all along.

But I guess Californian conservatives don't like that, and they're leaving. And the ones who own businesses are probably trying to relocate their businesses, too. But is Texas a better state for business than California? It depends on what kind of business you have, apparently. Here's a more level-headed approach to the question:

Texas’ job creation machine has performed amazingly well. But it’s been criticized for creating low-paying jobs. And Texas’ most successful job creation machine, Austin, is the most California-like city in the state, a place that embraces California creativity and weirdness so enthusiastically that the rest of the state routinely rejects it as being profoundly un-Texan.

California hasn’t been anybody’s model of economic development lately. Though the population is still growing, the state has been shedding middle-class jobs and middle-class families for two decades. Most of the jobs created in the state are also low paying; and, of course, California’s own state government wallowed in insolvency for a decade until voters approved Brown’s tax increase last fall, which has finally balanced the budget. Through it all, California has managed to maintain a big lead in certain high-growth, high-performing sectors, principally technology and entertainment.

In other words, Texas isn’t doing as well as you might think and California isn’t doing as badly as you might think. As our national politics devolve ever more deeply into a war between red and blue states, it’s important to understand the difference between red-blue political rhetoric and the on-the-ground reality of economic development.

Imagine that - Republicans had control of the Californian budget for decades and drove it into the ground...and now that a good liberal's in there, they're on the way back...and even then, California's still managed to hold on to the high-tech businesses that have long been its economic backbone. Yeah, there's some parts of California that are economic disasters. Strangely enough, many of these are in the very conservative (read: mostly rural) parts of California...and so there's a whole lot of people from these conservative parts who want to go to what they think is a better place to live...and so they go to their promised land: Texas. But most of California is doing quite a bit better now that liberals are back in charge, thank you very much.
Number of Californians moving to Texas hits highest level in nearly a decade | Fox News

I just don't understand this ?
Are not we Liberal / Progressives firmly in control in California?

We do all of those things opposite to the idiotic Right / Conservatives who are greedy and racist pigs.

We open our doors to the world, welcome all people from all cultures, promote ethnic diversity (especially peace loving Muslims) spend billions of taxpayer dollars on sanctuary cities, collect massive taxes from business to support all of our guests, prosecute those who defend their religious nonsense but defend the few who have real human dilemmas such as gender identity ....

Why on Earth would anyone want to LEAVE such a paradise ??

California isn't quite as liberal as you would like to believe.
You can afford a nice house in TX. The barbque is great!
The only thing saving CA right now is Prop 13 which limits property taxes. All other taxes are high and liberalism has strangled the state. Unless there's a Prop 13 like approach to limiting spending CA will welcome the big one that puts us in the Pacific.
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I doubt it's just because of business taxes. Overhead and startup costs are huge in CA right now, especially in the Bay area. The tech firms have gobbled up all the capital and caused prices to skyrocket.

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