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Novak says Bush knows leak source (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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WASHINGTON - Columnist Bob Novak, who first published the identity of covert
CIA officer Valerie Plame, says he is confident that
President Bush knows who leaked Plame's name.

Novak said that "I'd be amazed" if the president didn't know the source's identity and that the public should "bug the president as to whether he should reveal who the source is."

Novak's remarks, reported in the Raleigh, N.C., News & Observer, came during a question and answer session Tuesday after a speech sponsored by the John Locke Foundation, a conservative think tank.

Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer (news, bio, voting record) urged Bush to identify Novak's source or to say that he does not know who it is.

The identity of Novak's sources has been one of the secrets in the CIA leak investigation.

Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, is one of Novak's sources, according to people close to the investigation, but his other source is not publicly known.

Novak apparently is cooperating with the criminal investigation of Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, though the journalist has never said so.

Schumer, D-N.Y., urged Bush to share the identity of Novak's sources if the president knows.

"You are in a position to clear this matter up quickly," Schumer said in a letter to the president on Wednesday.

"Unlike Mr. Novak, who can claim an interest in maintaining the confidentiality of his sources, there is no similar privilege arguably preventing you from sharing this information," Schumer wrote.

"You have repeatedly suggested that you would like to get to the bottom of this affair," Schumer reminded Bush. "At one point, in 2004, you suggested that anyone who was involved in leaking the name of the covert CIA operative would be fired."


Going to have to agree with Mr. Schumer on this. If Bush knows who leaked the information and he is really serious about getting to the bottom of this then he should provide the information. I'm sure it wont happen because if he was serious about it then Rove would have already been canned.
Your link says this: "Novak said that "I'd be amazed" if the president didn't know the source's identity..."

Your thread title is a lie.
KCConservative said:
Your link says this: "Novak said that "I'd be amazed" if the president didn't know the source's identity..."

Your thread title is a lie.

I also heard he said this in jest, and as a parting shot, but who knows? He is, and has been cooperating with the investigation, all will be known soon enough.
KCConservative said:
Your link says this: "Novak said that "I'd be amazed" if the president didn't know the source's identity..."

Your thread title is a lie.

said, implied.....same thing. ;)

Bush knows, and you know it. lol
Deegan said:
I also heard he said this in jest, and as a parting shot, but who knows? He is, and has been cooperating with the investigation, all will be known soon enough.

Yeah, some buck-toothed woman (whose name escapes me (and who I cannot understand why she wouldn't get herself some braces)) said the same thing--that such kind of commentary from Novak shouldn't be taken too seriously.

I cannot stand the guy. He is an arrogrant pr*ck.
KCConservative said:
Your link says this: "Novak said that "I'd be amazed" if the president didn't know the source's identity..."

Your thread title is a lie.
Title is not a lie, as he was obviously taking from the title on the Yahoo news site.
Question: Don't you want to know indeed if the president commited such an unpatriotic act such as treason?
jfuh said:
Question: Don't you want to know indeed if the president commited such an unpatriotic act such as treason?

The real question is: Who cares?

Obviously not the press or the American people.The story has run it's course and there was nothing there.Libby's indictment will quietly go away, maybe some probation IF by some miracle they actually can prosecute him. Just another liberal tail chasing boondoggle.
scottyz said:

Going to have to agree with Mr. Schumer on this. If Bush knows who leaked the information and he is really serious about getting to the bottom of this then he should provide the information. I'm sure it wont happen because if he was serious about it then Rove would have already been canned.

Can you imagine a worse hang than Bob Nofacts?

Now he's like -"Get off my f-ing back and talk to the president if you want to know something"

I think Nofacts and Darth Cheney were separated at birth.
:lol: I've never even considered it a possibility that Bush doesn't know who leaked her ident
Nice thread...really good stuff...Shows the left's position well...

Anything Novak has ever said in life=Bunch of GOP partisan crap

Novak said that "I'd be amazed" if the president didn't know the source's identity=The all powerful and honest Novak speaks...He must be believed now...

Honestly... I doubt he knows it.
If he did... he probably wouldn't tell us now..... wouldn't that make him look... i dunno.. bad, to let it go this far? (no sarcasm intended)

Anyhow, whoever said it was right... the story has run its course.

Even if He knew it... I could give a **** less..... I far more important reasons for disliking Bush... this is not one of them.
scottyz said:

Going to have to agree with Mr. Schumer on this. If Bush knows who leaked the information and he is really serious about getting to the bottom of this then he should provide the information. I'm sure it wont happen because if he was serious about it then Rove would have already been canned.

Bush was likely in cahoots with who-ever leaked Plame's name. He just had somebody else leak the name for him to keep his hands clean of any wrong doing.
Caine said:
Honestly... I doubt he knows it.
If he did... he probably wouldn't tell us now..... wouldn't that make him look... i dunno.. bad, to let it go this far? (no sarcasm intended)

Anyhow, whoever said it was right... the story has run its course.

Even if He knew it... I could give a **** less..... I far more important reasons for disliking Bush... this is not one of them.

Ohh I am very sure Bush has always known who leaked Valerie's name. He ran game on Plame's husband and had somebody else do it to keep his hands clean. Generally, presidents will say they would never do such things and then dispatch their henchmen diplomats to do exactly what they claimed they wouldn't do. Sort of how Nixon said, "in public we say we will do one thing, but off the cameras we really do another or the opposite." That's how the game is played in Washington and politics in general. Most politicans get away with it because you have to have proof or evidence to show they did something wrong, and they are careful no evidence is around to get them convicted, most of the time. Other times they are pretty straight up about their crimes and still get away with them.
TimmyBoy said:
Bush was likely in cahoots with who-ever leaked Plame's name. He just had somebody else leak the name for him to keep his hands clean of any wrong doing.
Welcome to the Political Rumor Forum

KCConservative said:
Your link says this: "Novak said that "I'd be amazed" if the president didn't know the source's identity..."

Your thread title is a lie.

By the way, KC, there is an article in today's Washington Post that quotes Novak saying (right before he says he would be "amazed"), "I'm confident the president knows who the source is." Thus, he unquestionably stated that the president knew.
aps said:
By the way, KC, there is an article in today's Washington Post that quotes Novak saying (right before he says he would be "amazed"), "I'm confident the president knows who the source is." Thus, he unquestionably stated that the president knew.

Actually doesn't that simply state he believes the POTUS knew?
Pacridge said:
Actually doesn't that simply state he believes the POTUS knew?

KC had attacked scotty's use of "Novak says Bush knows leak source" because based on the article that scotty posted, it stated that Novak said he would be amazed if Bush didn't know. KC was saying that the words, "I'd be amazed" did not equate to "says." I believe Novak's saying that he is "confident" the president knows is indicative of his "saying" that the president knows.
Pacridge said:
Actually doesn't that simply state he believes the POThead knew?

In this day and age, Im not going to believe some guy for the sake of believing him.

I don't like "the Bush"..... but im not going to believe EVERYTHING I hear.
Caine said:
In this day and age, Im not going to believe some guy for the sake of believing him.

I don't like "the Bush"..... but im not going to believe EVERYTHING I hear.

Do me a favor. Please don't edit my posts when you quote them. I didn't use the term "Pothead" I just as soon not have it look like I did.
Pacridge said:
Actually doesn't that simply state he believes the POTUS knew?
Exactly. Therefore, the title should read: Novak believes the President knew Who Outed Flame
KCConservative said:
Exactly. Therefore, the title should read: Novak believes the President knew Who Outed Flame

OMG, what is the difference? They both mean the same thing to me in this context.
aps said:
OMG, what is the difference? They both mean the same thing to me in this context.
How do you figure? One means that Nokak can verify that the president knows, that he knows he knows. The other means that Novak has a hunch the president knows, he doesn't know for sure, but he's pretty confident. These are not the same.
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KCConservative said:
How do you figure? One means that Nokak can verify that the president knows, that he knows he knows. The other means that Novak has a hunch the president knows, he doesn't know for sure, but he's pretty confident. These are not the same.

say 1. To utter aloud; speak; 2. To express in words; 3. to state positively, declare.

Yes, based on definition #3, you are correct. Based on definitions #1 and 2, I am correct.

That means I win. ;)
KCConservative said:
How do you figure? One means that Nokak can verify that the president knows, that he knows he knows. The other means that Novak has a hunch the president knows, he doesn't know for sure, but he's pretty confident. These are not the same.
I think you're missing the more important issue at hand. Who cares is Novak knows anything. Why doesn't Bush come out and just call him a Liar?
Why not anyone in the white house just come out and call him a liar?

Why can't we have leaders like Eisenhower or Truman anymore, why can't any leader come out and say, "The buck stops here"? Leaders who were not afraid to come out to accept full responsibility for thier actions; before you jump on this KC, yes this applies to Democrats as well.
KCConservative said:
How do you figure? One means that Nokak can verify that the president knows, that he knows he knows. The other means that Novak has a hunch the president knows, he doesn't know for sure, but he's pretty confident. These are not the same.
Why hasn't Bush denied that he knows?

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