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Notre Dame vs Wake Forest cancelled. COVID outbreak on the ND team. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
"Notre Dame’s game at Wake Forest on Saturday has been postponed after positive coronavirus tests landed 13 Fighting Irish players in isolation and an additional 10 in quarantine.

Notre Dame said 94 football players were tested Monday and of those seven were positive. Those players were in isolation along with others who tested positive last week."

Book, No. 7 Notre Dame run by USF 52-0 to extend home streak | WSBT

17 postponed games i ?think?.
It's good they are able to catch this early. They will be able to make up the game. Overall it's great that they are going ahead with football and sports in general. It's become clear we need to learn to live with the virus. I think schools and sport teams will get better at knowing what it needs to do to keep everyone safe.

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