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Nothing going on in Afghanistan? (1 Viewer)



I wonder why there are no improvements in Afghanistan? I ask you, why despite considerable multinational forces available in Afghanistan - about 32.5 K servicemen - Afghani authorities, ISAF and coalition forces command fails to institute firm control over the situation in the country?

Why armed forces of Al-Q, Islam talib movement and Islamic Party of Afghanistan continue to perform subversive and terrorist activities?

Islamists keep up guerrilla operations against National guard and international forces not without the help of reserves transmitted from the territory of Pakistan. The situation is most complex in south and south-east Afghanistan areas where some provinces remain in hands of extremists.

I have the impression that absolutely nothing is done to fix the deal.
BlueWillie said:
I wonder why there are no improvements in Afghanistan? I ask you, why despite considerable multinational forces available in Afghanistan - about 32.5 K servicemen - Afghani authorities, ISAF and coalition forces command fails to institute firm control over the situation in the country?

Why armed forces of Al-Q, Islam talib movement and Islamic Party of Afghanistan continue to perform subversive and terrorist activities?

Islamists keep up guerrilla operations against National guard and international forces not without the help of reserves transmitted from the territory of Pakistan. The situation is most complex in south and south-east Afghanistan areas where some provinces remain in hands of extremists.

I have the impression that absolutely nothing is done to fix the deal.

Welcome to the forum. Please add a supportive link to substantiate your claims. Thanks.
BlueWillie ,but we r trying our best to sort things out,Rome was not built in a


Welcome to the boards.

BlueWillie said:
I wonder why there are no improvements in Afghanistan? I ask you, why despite considerable multinational forces available in Afghanistan - about 32.5 K servicemen - Afghani authorities, ISAF and coalition forces command fails to institute firm control over the situation in the country?
Without links to support your claim you have to take the right's stance (No news is good news) or prepare to be shot down for use of opinion. Obviously if Bush and his admin aren't talking about it to America then everything must be just peachy in Afghan, right? :lol:

From previous discussions on this board no news also seems to mean that we are undergoing secret operations. Of course there is no need for facts on those since they are "secret".

BlueWillie said:
Why armed forces of Al-Q, Islam talib movement and Islamic Party of Afghanistan continue to perform subversive and terrorist activities?
That just seems to be common practice in all of the middle-east right since we invaded Iraq.

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