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Nothing African about them (1 Viewer)

Do you agree with the term "African American" to describe Americans based on their skin co

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DP Veteran
Nov 15, 2018
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Their citizenship is American, born in America, spoke English, eating American food, listening to American music, dressing American, and nothing African about them. However, they call themselves African Americans.

If they are so charming about Africa, why don't they go back to the land of their ancestors? Why do thousands of Africans travel to America or try to obtain an American visa every year? Do they think of America as the evil that enslaves their ancestors?

African people can be Black, White, Asian, Arabs and the list could go on. These fools think that their skin colour defines who you are.


Watching yall try to understand race is some hilarious ****....
Their citizenship is American, born in America, spoke English, eating American food, listening to American music, dressing American, and nothing African about them. However, they call themselves African Americans.

If they are so charming about Africa, why don't they go back to the land of their ancestors? Why do thousands of Africans travel to America or try to obtain an American visa every year? Do they think of America as the evil that enslaves their ancestors?

African people can be Black, White, Asian, Arabs and the list could go on. These fools think that their skin colour defines who you are.

You seem very upset by this. Why are white dudes so angry about who is Black and who isn’t? White folks get to pretend they invented the entire planet and you’re upset at how folks choose to identify based on criteria you don’t understand nor do you care to learn.
I sometimes call myself Italian or Italian-American even though I’m 3rd generation American. Should I go back to Italy?

Black people started calling themselves African-American because it beat the **** out of being called colored or negro or any of the derogatory crap they were called.

Today’s gonna suck if one of the first things I read is idiocy like this.
Their citizenship is American, born in America, spoke English, eating American food, listening to American music, dressing American, and nothing African about them. However, they call themselves African Americans.

If they are so charming about Africa, why don't they go back to the land of their ancestors? Why do thousands of Africans travel to America or try to obtain an American visa every year? Do they think of America as the evil that enslaves their ancestors?

African people can be Black, White, Asian, Arabs and the list could go on. These fools think that their skin colour defines who you are.


What do you get out of these endless race-baiting threads? Just curious.
Their citizenship is American, born in America, spoke English, eating American food, listening to American music, dressing American, and nothing African about them. However, they call themselves African Americans.

If they are so charming about Africa, why don't they go back to the land of their ancestors? Why do thousands of Africans travel to America or try to obtain an American visa every year? Do they think of America as the evil that enslaves their ancestors?

African people can be Black, White, Asian, Arabs and the list could go on. These fools think that their skin colour defines who you are.


I had a realtor who was an African American. She was white and she had a British accent. Charlize Theron is an African American. The list goes on and on.
What do you get out of these endless race-baiting threads? Just curious.

May as well get right to the crux and ask everyone if they want to change themselves to another color/ race et al
May as well get right to the crux and ask everyone if they want to change themselves to another color/ race et al

I’m not sure I follow.
I sometimes call myself Italian or Italian-American even though I’m 3rd generation American. Should I go back to Italy?

Black people started calling themselves African-American because it beat the **** out of being called colored or negro or any of the derogatory crap they were called.

Today’s gonna suck if one of the first things I read is idiocy like this.

Nah you don't get it - if you're Italian-American, Irish-American, German-American (and in some circles I suspect, especially that one) it's okay. Likewise if you're Slovenian-American, or maybe just Slovenian-Stripper...
I had a realtor who was an African American. She was white and she had a British accent. Charlize Theron is an African American. The list goes on and on.

Putting a country or continent before American indicates where your ancestors Originally came from.
Putting a country or continent before American indicates where your ancestors Originally came from.

Precisely. I willing to bet the OP has no problem with Irish-Americans or Italian-Americans.
Their citizenship is American, born in America, spoke English, eating American food, listening to American music, dressing American, and nothing African about them. However, they call themselves African Americans.

If they are so charming about Africa, why don't they go back to the land of their ancestors? Why do thousands of Africans travel to America or try to obtain an American visa every year? Do they think of America as the evil that enslaves their ancestors?

African people can be Black, White, Asian, Arabs and the list could go on. These fools think that their skin colour defines who you are.


As a European America, I believe people can call themselves what they want.
I'll comply with any term the Ministry feels appropriate. Currently, that term is "Black" with a capital B. African American is still in use and acceptable, however.

Here are some top results of the term "African American" used by the Ministry:

Black America must wake up to this viral threat (opinion) - CNN

Civil rights and religious leaders urge African Americans to defy governors' efforts to reopen businesses - CNNPolitics

Black and brown Americans have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic - CNN

Black Americans are being hammered by a double pandemic - CNN

Black communities account for disproportionate number of Covid-19 deaths in the US, study finds - CNN

Across the articles, which are from April and May of this year, "black" is used 98 times and African American is used 37 times. They appear to be used interchangeably.

To all readers - I must apologize - these articles were from a different time. The 'b' in "Black" was not capitalized as it is today. I'm sure that perceiving a lowercase 'Black' is an affront to the senses. Please understand that these articles were a product of their time.

Here's a modern race-based article from the Ministry, just 6 days old:


"Black" occurs 75 times and is capitalized. African American occurs 17 times. It could be that "African American" is slowly falling out of favor.
YES, I agree that groups can call themselves whatever they want.

We have Asian Americans, Euro Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans.

So why not African Americans?

Most Americans, I assume, could not care less about the matter.
Race is much more than skin color.
Their citizenship is American, born in America, spoke English, eating American food, listening to American music, dressing American, and nothing African about them. However, they call themselves African Americans.

If they are so charming about Africa, why don't they go back to the land of their ancestors? Why do thousands of Africans travel to America or try to obtain an American visa every year? Do they think of America as the evil that enslaves their ancestors?

African people can be Black, White, Asian, Arabs and the list could go on. These fools think that their skin colour defines who you are.


Why did you people differentiate their identity based on race in the first place? Why do you people continue to classify people based on skin colour. Why do you people refuse to confront the conscious and unconscious biases against POC that is rampant in your communities?
Precisely. I willing to bet the OP has no problem with Irish-Americans or Italian-Americans.

There's a huge difference between society referring to Europeans as hyphenated Americans (we don't) and the compulsory naming of black people as AA.
AA has become synonymous with race, not ethnicity.
Name one time either Cuomo was called Italian-American. We just don't do that with white people, as a society.
But we do it with black people.
Europe isn't "my people". Americans are my people.
Race is much more than skin color.

One of the major characteristics of race is skin color

Caucasian races (Aryans, Hamites, Semites)
Mongolian races (northern Mongolian, Chinese and Indo-Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo, American Indian),
Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua, “Negrito”, Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese)
One of the major characteristics of race is skin color

Caucasian races (Aryans, Hamites, Semites)
Mongolian races (northern Mongolian, Chinese and Indo-Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Tibetan, Malayan, Polynesian, Maori, Micronesian, Eskimo, American Indian),
Negroid races (African, Hottentots, Melanesians/Papua, “Negrito”, Australian Aborigine, Dravidians, Sinhalese)
Yes, but morphological differences are just as telling as if you correct for either bone structure or skin color separately, you could still tell between races.
Their citizenship is American, born in America, spoke English, eating American food, listening to American music, dressing American, and nothing African about them. However, they call themselves African Americans.

If they are so charming about Africa, why don't they go back to the land of their ancestors? Why do thousands of Africans travel to America or try to obtain an American visa every year? Do they think of America as the evil that enslaves their ancestors?

African people can be Black, White, Asian, Arabs and the list could go on. These fools think that their skin colour defines who you are.


So why do you call yourself 'caucasian'? Do you even know where the Caucasus is? Oh, and just so's you know, we were all little black people once-even you have some black in you.
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There's a huge difference between society referring to Europeans as hyphenated Americans (we don't) and the compulsory naming of black people as AA.
AA has become synonymous with race, not ethnicity.
Name one time either Cuomo was called Italian-American. We just don't do that with white people, as a society.
But we do it with black people.
Europe isn't "my people". Americans are my people.

Yes you do; you call yourselves 'Anglo-Saxon' despite not having being born in either Britain or Germany. And why don't you call folk American-Italian? I would have thought the surnames like Cuomo or Giuliani might give people a clue as to their heritage.
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Yes you do; you call yourselves 'Anglo-Saxon' despite not having being born in either Britain or Germany. And why don't you call folk American-Italian? I would have thought the surnames like Cuomo or Giuliani might give people a clue as to their heritage.

I am sure you can find lots of mainstream media referring to a random person as an Anglo Saxon.

Or calling a mainstream politician an American-Italian.

The fact of the m matter is that in the US white people are almost always just called Americans.
Right or wrong that’s just the way it is.

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