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"Not What We Are Seeing" - US Intel Officials Reject Biden's "Genocide" Claims (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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More Biden lies.

False flag Joey.


The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.

On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.

The DIA official: said "I am not for a second excusing Russia's war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country."

"But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we'd see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha," the official emphasized.

Russian propaganda strikes again, faithful flock of Putin apologists eat it up.
More Biden lies.

False flag Joey.


The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.

On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.

The DIA official: said "I am not for a second excusing Russia's war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country."

"But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we'd see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha," the official emphasized.

False flag Joey? Is your claim that Biden is dressing up as Russians and attacking Ukraine to make it look like them?
Russian propaganda strikes again, faithful flock of Putin apologists eat it up.
From the link.

The DIA official: said “I am not for a second excusing Russia’s war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country.”

“But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we’d see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha,” the official emphasized.
More Biden lies.

False flag Joey.


The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.

On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.

The DIA official: said "I am not for a second excusing Russia's war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country."

"But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we'd see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha," the official emphasized.

Seems "Joey" is not alone.
More Biden lies.

False flag Joey.


The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.

On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.

The DIA official: said "I am not for a second excusing Russia's war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country."

"But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we'd see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha," the official emphasized.

Mother Russia salutes you!
More Biden lies.

False flag Joey.


The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.

On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.

The DIA official: said "I am not for a second excusing Russia's war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country."

"But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we'd see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha," the official emphasized.

Wow, you are very special.
Not surprising
Of course.

"It's not genocide cause they haven't killed enough of them...yet. They're just sparkling war crimes." - OP, probably.
More Biden lies.

False flag Joey.


The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.

On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.

The DIA official: said "I am not for a second excusing Russia's war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country."

"But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we'd see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha," the official emphasized.

False flag? Even the guy you cited in the article is calling Russia's actions WAR CRIMES. That's hardly a false flag. Do you actually read the shit you cite instead of looking foolish?
False flag? Even the guy you cited in the article is calling Russia's actions WAR CRIMES. That's hardly a false flag. Do you actually read the shit you cite instead of looking foolish?
Who's arguing that? Try an keep up. It's not what Sliden Biden called it... genocide according to DIA offical
Who's arguing that? Try an keep up. It's not what Sliden Biden called it... genocide according to DIA offical

EpochTimes is a bad joke
Who's arguing that? Try an keep up. It's not what Sliden Biden called it... genocide according to DIA offical
Why don't you instead quit being a Putin apologist. You are hung up on the word genocide. Why? Has Putin not killed enough to your liking yet? You realize the quantity does not make a genocide, it's the actions. Sad you Putin apologists can't see that.
Funny how this thread is about Biden being wrong for saying it while Trump saying it gets a pass.
Funny how this thread is about Biden being wrong for saying it while Trump saying it gets a pass.
Pelosi like Trump who isn't POTUS says a lot of things which are not true as well.
Pelosi like Trump who isn't POTUS says a lot of things which are not true as well.

Except Pelosi tells the truth more than you do. That's sad by the way.
More Biden lies.

False flag Joey.


The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.

French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.

On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.

The DIA official: said "I am not for a second excusing Russia's war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country."

"But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we'd see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha," the official emphasized.

Macron is playing an angle. He insists on trying to insert himself into something that is not even happening and thus he spouts. There is no serious negotiation at this time and there certainly will not be any that is bi-lateral between Macron and Putin. Putin simply farts in Macron's face and Macron comes back for more. He is so desperate for attention as a "player".

As for what a DIA official said...he needs to look up the definition of genocide....it's not just about deaths. That was an ignorant STUUPID thing for a DIA official to say if he in fact said it.
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Pelosi like Trump who isn't POTUS says a lot of things which are not true as well.

Russia's goal of wiping the Ukrainians off the map and making them Russians reeks of, at the very least, cultural genocide.

I appreciate Biden's moral stand here and I have no problem with Macron taking issue with it. Biden and Macron have done a great job playing bad cop/good cop. There is obviously no reason to assume one is right and the other is wrong. Its a good strategy.
Russia's goal of wiping the Ukrainians off the map and making them Russians reeks of, at the very least, cultural genocide.

Same goal Iran has for Israel
Russia's goal of wiping the Ukrainians off the map and making them Russians reeks of, at the very least, cultural genocide.

I appreciate Biden's moral stand here and I have no problem with Macron taking issue with it. Biden and Macron have done a great job playing bad cop/good cop. There is obviously no reason to assume one is right and the other is wrong. Its a good strategy.
I would buy that if Macron was doing anything more than trying to enhance a Macron negotiating position that does not in fact exist in reality at this point in time and may not exist at any point in time.
Russia's goal of wiping the Ukrainians off the map and making them Russians reeks of, at the very least, cultural genocide.
one would think that our Christians would be against that.

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