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Not all Musulims are TERRORIEST BUT ??? (1 Viewer)


Jan 14, 2005
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I have heard a lot of people say not All Musulims are Terroriest but all TERRORIEST are MUSULIMS !!!

AGAIN this is only 1/2 true or a "" BIG LIE "" """ SAY WHAT ""

Well let's take Iraland (SPELL CHECK PLEASE ) The Prostant's have been TERRORIEST to the Catholic's """ TONY :spin: BLAIR is a supporter of TERRORIEST "

That is if you ASK the CATHOLIC'S IN IRALAND

"""""""SPELL CHECK"""""""

Well let's look the KKK if you were BLACK in the 20's 30' 40's 50's 60's THE KKK were TERRORIEST "" IF you ASK the BLACK'S """

""""""""" SPELL CHECK""""""""""

How about all the HUNDRED"S of RELIGOUS CULT'S They preach CHRIST , GOD , COUNTRY , But less face it if your JEWISH , BLACK , or what they like to CALL MUD PEOPLE , They are TERRORIEST

""""To put it an easy way TERRISUM is in the EYE of the BE-HOLDER ""

"""""""""""SPELL CHECK"""""""""""
Terrorism has been around for quite some time, and they most definitely not all Muslim. What about the Northern Ireland groups, the guerillas in South America, Timothy McVeigh, and the Klan? Anybody who feels all terrorists ever have been Muslims are horribly ignorant.
Freedom69 said:
Well let's take Iraland (SPELL CHECK PLEASE ) The Prostant's have been TERRORIEST to the Catholic's """ TONY :spin: BLAIR is a supporter of TERRORIEST "

That is if you ASK the CATHOLIC'S IN IRALAND

Hey I'm a Protestant in Northern Ireland lol, Im a terrorist bang bang. There are Protestants terrorists as well as Irish terrorists, Irish terrorists in December performed the biggest bank robbery in the UK ever. Anyway on both sides only a small percentage are terrorists, I'm not one.


Americans, thats right Americans funded Irish terrorism to kill and injure Protestant civilians. Americans actually funded terrorism, give yourselves a pat on the back! :rolleyes:
GarzaUK said:
Hey I'm a Protestant in Northern Ireland lol, Im a terrorist bang bang. There are Protestants terrorists as well as Irish terrorists, Irish terrorists in December performed the biggest bank robbery in the UK ever. Anyway on both sides only a small percentage are terrorists, I'm not one.


Americans, thats right Americans funded Irish terrorism to kill and injure Protestant civilians. Americans actually funded terrorism, give yourselves a pat on the back! :rolleyes:

well done garza, I'm in northern ireland as well, except I'm catholic but from england so i suppose thats OK then! its funny how the Americans have no idea what is happening over here, they see themselves as descended from the Irish (i wonder how many were descended from protestant Irish, probably a fair few) yet a large proportion of the IRA funds do come from the Americans. its just a pity they dont know what they were funding and were not doing it because there great granddad had a dog who may or may not have been born in ireland. they lack a national self identity in some respects, instead of seeing themselves as American many see them as Irish American or Italian America. i wonder if that means im viking or French English, maybe even a German English.
globalvision said:
well done garza, I'm in northern ireland as well, except I'm catholic but from england so i suppose thats OK then! its funny how the Americans have no idea what is happening over here, they see themselves as descended from the Irish (i wonder how many were descended from protestant Irish, probably a fair few) yet a large proportion of the IRA funds do come from the Americans. its just a pity they dont know what they were funding and were not doing it because there great granddad had a dog who may or may not have been born in ireland. they lack a national self identity in some respects, instead of seeing themselves as American many see them as Irish American or Italian America. i wonder if that means im viking or French English, maybe even a German English.

LOL yeah its okay, I live with a few catholics in my uni house in Belfast. I know the mickeys (Irish Americans) piss me off, Michael Moore is one of them who meets with Sinn Fein members regularly lol. He offered her daughter to go anywhere in the world for her 21st, she chose Belfast! What the hell is that about! Paris? Rome? No, Belfast. lol
Anyway the IRA took those Irish Americans for a ride lol, although I don't think they can anymore, they have to rely on drug money and bank robberies lol. In saying that the loyalists are just as bad too.
Electrical Engineering Stage 1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, passed 5 exams failed 1 lol. what about u?
politics and economics, 3rd year, 60's and 70's, hell if its your first year dont worry bout what you get as it dont count. bummer failing one though as your have to retake it in the summer.
My housemate is doing politics, he's in second year though. Yeah crappy repeats. Your exams go good? LOL what are the odds of two guys that go to queens, talking on an american politics forum lol, we must be half a mile away from each other and all. Strange.
yer im down near renshaws, my exams went ok, 60's and 70's so happy enough, aiming for a 2:1 so i can do an MA. it is crapy doing repeats but dont worry about, just make sure u pass them and you will be fine.
GarzaUK said:
Hey I'm a Protestant in Northern Ireland lol, Im a terrorist bang bang. There are Protestants terrorists as well as Irish terrorists, Irish terrorists in December performed the biggest bank robbery in the UK ever. Anyway on both sides only a small percentage are terrorists, I'm not one.


Americans, thats right Americans funded Irish terrorism to kill and injure Protestant civilians. Americans actually funded terrorism, give yourselves a pat on the back! :rolleyes:

So, can you spare a few notes then mate? Sounds like since December you must have few you could toss my way.

Sadly, Americans. Check that. Sadly the American government has been funding terrorist around the globe for years. Including the Taliban and Saddam. Why do you think Bush was so certain Saddam had chemical weapons? Because Bush still had the receipt for the ones we sold him. Oh, there's always a good reason for it. You know the lesser of two evils, that type thing. We're perfect, hasn't anybody told you? Ah, my "freedom fries" are done, time to eat.
Our enemy now ARE terrorist, plain and simple.It's not the race we are concerned about but the extremist veiw of the Muslim religon. Was Ghandi Muslim? What happened to that peaceful and antiviolent movement. In their Koran it says things like- It is ok to lie or even kill the infidel(everyone who is not muslim) The terrorist that hijacked this religon dwells on the violent sections of the Koran. We can't take on all terrorist everywhere but we can make progress against ours.
alienken said:
Our enemy now ARE terrorist, plain and simple.It's not the race we are concerned about but the extremist veiw of the Muslim religon. Was Ghandi Muslim? What happened to that peaceful and antiviolent movement. In their Koran it says things like- It is ok to lie or even kill the infidel(everyone who is not muslim) The terrorist that hijacked this religon dwells on the violent sections of the Koran. We can't take on all terrorist everywhere but we can make progress against ours.

Are you saying there was a time when we weren't enemy's of terrorist?

"Gandhi" was a practitioner of the Hindu religion. He was from India where Hindu's out number Muslims something like 85% to 15%. Though he did study the Bible for sometime as well. He was adamantly opposed to the use of violence to further causes and or agendas.

Our Bible tells us things like:

Book of Deuteronomy

17:1Thou shalt not sacrifice unto the LORD thy God any bullock, or sheep, wherein is blemish, or any evilfavouredness: for that is an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
17:2If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant,
17:3And hath gone and served other gods, and worshiped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
17:4And it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel:
17:5Then shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die

Don't you think there are Muslims saying that's exactly what we're doing? I sure there's a percentage of them claiming the only reason we engage in campaigns such as the one we're involved in in Iraq right now is because we hate Muslims. And our Bible tells us to kill them.

I haven't done much but glance through the Koran, can you tell me where in the Koran you found passage you referring to?
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Pacridge...I am a new testament Christian so I reject the Deut. quote. The Old Testament is full of great examples of the origen of man and servants of God but the laws we follow are in the New Testament ...I get your point. This is why the Pres. constantly explains that we are only after extremist. We freed how many millions of muslums from abusive dictators. Ask the free Iraqi people if they think that the U.S. hate them.
Any one who uses religion to justify their actions should take a close look at their moral values. And Gandhi was a HINDU!! I am an american and still i say with shame that only an american would be unable to recall weather Gandhi was muslim or hindu.

There was a time when we were not the enemies of terrorists. The contra rebels. The things that happened in south american. I have nothing against america, indeed i love my country, but i feel i am only speaking the truth when i say that america is only the enemy of terrorist when we are not their friends.
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alienken said:
Pacridge...I am a new testament Christian so I reject the Deut. quote. The Old Testament is full of great examples of the origen of man and servants of God but the laws we follow are in the New Testament ...I get your point. This is why the Pres. constantly explains that we are only after extremist. We freed how many millions of muslums from abusive dictators. Ask the free Iraqi people if they think that the U.S. hate them.

Really? I thought the Ten Commandments were in the old testament.
Rhadamanthus said:
Any one who uses religion to justify their actions should take a close look at their moral values. And Ghandi was a BUDDIST!! I am an american and still i say with shame that only an american would be unable to recall weather Ghandi was muslim or buddist.

There was a time when we were not the enemies of terrorists. The contra rebels. The things that happened in south american. I have nothing against america, indeed i love my country, but i feel i am only speaking the truth when i say that america is only the enemy of terrorist when we are not their friends.

I'm a little confussed here is there someone in history named Ghandi that I'm unaware of? I did a Goggle search and came up blank. If you guys are speaking of "Gandhi"- I think you've made a mistake. Because in 1921 Gandhi is quoted as saying:

"I call myself a Sanatani Hindu, because I believe in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Puranas, and all that goes by the name of Hindu scripture, and therefore in avataras and rebirth; I believe in the varnashrama dharma in a sense, in my opinion strictly Vedic but not in its presently popular crude sense; I believe in the protection of cow."

So unless he converted later in life, and rather doubt that since in 1931 he's quoted as stating:

"I disbelieve in the conversion of one person by another. My effort should never to be to undermine another’s faith. This implies belief in the truth of all religions and, therefore, respect for them. It implies true humility."

Here's a link for more information of his life and teachings:

So, I seriously believe you've erred here. I'd be careful about making statements of shame until you're checked your facts better.
Shame on the two of us, alienken and I, ignorant Americans that we are.
Rhadamanthus said:
Shame on the two of us, alienken and I, ignorant Americans that we are.

Well as my grandfather used to say: "Rumor has it that the last guy that was perfect, they nailed to a cross- Don't want any part of that job."
Pacridge...Most, if not all of the ten comandments were restated in the New Testament.....Rhadamanthas..Ganhdi (however you spell the name) I don't know much about, I had a public education which did not cover much about him. I concede your point maybe I should know more about him. One other thing I agree with you, here is your quote-"america is only the enemy of terrorist when we
are not their friends." ...I would have to say that makes alot of sense.
Re: Not all Musulims are TERRORIEST BUT ?

Whites And Christians are the Bigger Terrorists then any other groups out there
Re: Not all Musulims are TERRORIEST BUT ?

DontForgetMe said:
Whites And Christians are the Bigger Terrorists then any other groups out there
True. Look at many Muslim countries out there...from their perspective, the USA army is a terrorist group.
Re: Not all Musulims are TERRORIEST BUT ?

anomaly said:
True. Look at many Muslim countries out there...from their perspective, the USA army is a terrorist group.

That is true same can be said about England army aswell

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