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Not a parent (1 Viewer)

Oct 4, 2018
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Political Leaning
But if I had a kid who brought home a participation trophy, I’d piss on it & burn it right in front of them; then I’d tell them they suck. I miss the days when losers were losers. Participation trophies create sissies.
Did you not get enough gigs as a kid?
It doesn't get much more sissy than crying about participation trophies. Someone find a binky.
But if I had a kid who brought home a participation trophy, I’d piss on it & burn it right in front of them; then I’d tell them they suck. I miss the days when losers were losers. Participation trophies create sissies.

It's a good thing you aren't a parent.
But if I had a kid who brought home a participation trophy, I’d piss on it & burn it right in front of them; then I’d tell them they suck. I miss the days when losers were losers. Participation trophies create sissies.

But I wanted to give you one for making crappy threads.
But if I had a kid who brought home a participation trophy, I’d piss on it & burn it right in front of them; then I’d tell them they suck. I miss the days when losers were losers. Participation trophies create sissies.

Not getting any, so no kids, right
But if I had a kid who brought home a participation trophy, I’d piss on it & burn it right in front of them; then I’d tell them they suck. I miss the days when losers were losers. Participation trophies create sissies.

Doesn't it depend on what they are doing? If the challenge is trying your best at_______, then what is wrong with a participation trophy? Thinking about some of the competitiveness out there, I wonder what prize is worth it?
It doesn't get much more sissy than crying about participation trophies. Someone find a binky.

It's a good thing you aren't a parent.

But I wanted to give you one for making crappy threads.

Not getting any, so no kids, right

Doesn't it depend on what they are doing? If the challenge is trying your best at_______, then what is wrong with a participation trophy? Thinking about some of the competitiveness out there, I wonder what prize is worth it?

Dang, did hell just freeze over?
But if I had a kid who brought home a participation trophy, I’d piss on it & burn it right in front of them; then I’d tell them they suck. I miss the days when losers were losers. Participation trophies create sissies.

Clearly not a parent and if you were to become one...One truly horrible one!...You know the kind that your kid will spend tens of thousands in therapy to wash your memory off them.

Diving Mullah

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