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North Portico Presser (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Who thought this was a good idea?

Rambling Rosie got nothing on him.....

More electioneering from the ‘people’s house.’

Bet he takes no questions.......
Who thought this was a good idea?

Rambling Rosie got nothing on him.....

More electioneering from the ‘people’s house.’

Bet he takes no questions.......

Bet you're wrong again...
This mope is crazy, there is no way to put it in other terms.......:screwy
“With me faster is better!” Trump on the WH North Portico 7SEP20

Stormy Daniels is on board with this!
Notice you waited until he started before you chimed in. First question is a doozy!

Well, her point was to tell you that you are wrong again... because you are wrong again.
Well, her point was to tell you that you are wrong again... because you are wrong again.

Neither of you big gamblers thought to come in before the race was decided.........BTW, it was a great idea to take questions after that abortion!

Fluffing fits you, nice weather, what?
In response to a question regarding his statement that fallen American soldiers were losers and suckers:

"Only an animal would say something like that."

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Neither of you big gamblers thought to come in before the race was decided.........BTW, it was a great idea to take questions after that abortion!

Fluffing fits you, nice weather, what?

You know nothing about me.
Let's keep it that way.

You bet and lost in your o/p. Trump took questions.
You know nothing about me.
Let's keep it that way.

You bet and lost in your o/p. Trump took questions.

Au contraire, I know all I need to know.................
Geezus, can't he give us a holiday-off from him? One day of peace? :doh
Geezus, can't he give us a holiday-off from him? One day of peace? :doh

For trump, the problem of too much trump has only one solution: more trump.
I watched it, thought it was good. Made me wish Joe would do a live presser with actual journalists.

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