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North Carolina 2022 Poll: Ted Budd Holds 16-point Lead in Republican Primary for U.S. Senate; Leads Potential Matchup Against Democrat Cheri Beasley (1 Viewer)

Tender Branson

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Jun 3, 2021
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In the race to fill the U.S. Senate seat of retiring Senator Richard Burr, an Emerson College Polling/The Hill Poll finds Congressman Ted Budd with 38% of support in the Republican primary, followed by former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory at 22% and former Congressman Mark Walker at 9%; 23% are undecided.


The poll tested a series of hypothetical general election match-ups against likely Democratic nominee Cheri Beasley:

# Budd leads Beasley 50% to 43%, with 8% undecided.

# McCrory trails Beasley 43% to 41%, with 17% undecided.

# Walker leads Beasley 47% to 42% with 11% undecided.

# Against Marjorie K. Eastman, Beasley is tied 44% to 44% with 12% undecided.

President Biden has a job approval of 44% in North Carolina, while 52% disapprove of the job he is doing. “Biden has a 57% approval among those with a college degree, but that drops to 35% among voters without a college degree,” Kimball pointed out.



The Emerson College/The Hill North Carolina poll was conducted April 2-4, 2022. The general election sample consisted of registered voters in North Carolina, n=1,047 with a Credibility Interval (CI) similar to a poll’s margin of error (MOE) of +/- 3 percentage points. The Republican primary sample consisted of likely voters, n=508, with a Credibility Interval (CI) similar to a poll’s margin of error (MOE) of +/- 4.3 percentage points. The data sets were weighted by gender, age, education, race, and region based on 2020 turnout modeling. It is important to remember that subsets based on gender, age, party breakdown, ethnicity, and region carry with them higher margins of error, as the sample size is reduced. Data was collected using a cellphone sample of SMS-to-web, an online panel provided by Amazon MTurk, and an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system of landlines.

Bigger R lead in the general election than I thought …
Budd (R) leads Beasley (D) 50% to 43%, with 8% undecided.

That is a significant lead at this point.

NC is kind of a swing state, but tends to lean a bit R.

If Dems don’t win this open seat, their chances to keep the Senate are quite bad.

They might afford to lose Georgia for example, and their Senator Warnock there - but must pick up a seat elsewhere, such as in NC or PA, OH or WI.
I’m really interested in the first polls out of PA, OH and WI.

The primary fields are a big mess and extremely large in these states, especially on the R side in PA and OH and in the D side in WI.

It will take a while until the dust has settled and there are some indications how these states will go.

All 3 are R held, but with 2 retirements.
I'm from North Carolina. Unfortunately, Ted Budd's campaign is full of rhetoric but no proposals to change the nation's direction. Look at his website - socialism this, socialism that, but offers no plan to repeal Social Security, end USDA nutrition plans, or take the Veterans Administration private. He'll do well in my neck of the woods with his socialist rants, though.
Anyone from North Carolina ?

This seems like a very deciding race.
I'm voting for Cheri Beasley.

And if Warnock loses, this country is showing how absolutely stupid Republicans are and lazy Dems and Independents are.
I'm voting for Cheri Beasley.

And if Warnock loses, this country is showing how absolutely stupid Republicans are and lazy Dems and Independents are.
I'm voting for Cheri Beasley, too.

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