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North And South Korea Establish a Rail Connection (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Koreas Hold Symbolic Groundbreaking Ceremony To Link Railroads Across Border

Trump initiated in peace making with North & South Korea where those who came before him failed.

Two Korea's, connected. Historic.

Thank you @realDonaldTrump

How did Trump do this? Very simple: He showed Kim Jung un respect by taking him seriously and as an equal. He took his threats seriously by threatening back. He signaled a willingness to trust if shown trust. It's impossible to deal with people who dislike and distrust you.

Trump was mocked, ridiculed and second guessed at every single step of this process by his supposed intellectual betters among the foreign policy establishment.

And we are seeing a second round of this with the DC foreign policy establishment's take on Syria.

How did Trump do this? Very simple: He showed Kim Jung un respect by taking him seriously and as an equal. He took his threats seriously by threatening back. He signaled a willingness to trust if shown trust. It's impossible to deal with people who dislike and distrust you.

Trump was mocked, ridiculed and second guessed at every single step of this process by his supposed intellectual betters among the foreign policy establishment.

And we are seeing a second round of this with the DC foreign policy establishment's take on Syria.

But I thought borders were a good thing??? Should we have a train going to Mexico then? We already have jets that do.
Well, no.

DRK got the ace card. They have H bombs. Nobody will do anything to them now. They are safe.

Thus oddly there might be a slim hope that eventually the effect of living next to all those societies with loads of wealth will cause the North to collectively choose to just abandon this communist/police state hell. Just like the Soviets did.

It will likely take a long time.
Um... never mind.


How did Trump do this? Very simple: He showed Kim Jung un respect by taking him seriously and as an equal. He took his threats seriously by threatening back. He signaled a willingness to trust if shown trust. It's impossible to deal with people who dislike and distrust you.

Trump was mocked, ridiculed and second guessed at every single step of this process by his supposed intellectual betters among the foreign policy establishment.

And we are seeing a second round of this with the DC foreign policy establishment's take on Syria.
^^ This is what you get when Twitter is your news source.

The cooperative effort between North and South Korea is happening despite Trump and U.S. sanctions. The railway between the two countries has been in place for years (well before Trump).

Koreas Hold Groundbreaking Ceremony for Railway Project | Time


Trump is a total international relations noob who foolishly gave Un validation on the world stage and got absolutely nothing of value in return. We are no closer to a nuke free Korean Peninsula than the day Trump waddled his fat a** into the White House.

How did Trump do this? Very simple: He showed Kim Jung un respect by taking him seriously and as an equal. He took his threats seriously by threatening back. He signaled a willingness to trust if shown trust. It's impossible to deal with people who dislike and distrust you.

Trump was mocked, ridiculed and second guessed at every single step of this process by his supposed intellectual betters among the foreign policy establishment.

And we are seeing a second round of this with the DC foreign policy establishment's take on Syria.

Because Trump didn't do that, that's how. This has been going on already and has nothing to do with Trump. Fake news on your part.

How did Trump do this? Very simple: He showed Kim Jung un respect by taking him seriously and as an equal. He took his threats seriously by threatening back. He signaled a willingness to trust if shown trust. It's impossible to deal with people who dislike and distrust you.

Trump was mocked, ridiculed and second guessed at every single step of this process by his supposed intellectual betters among the foreign policy establishment.

And we are seeing a second round of this with the DC foreign policy establishment's take on Syria.

Who is this person who is "trying to #KAG one tweet at a time"? Someone you subscribe to?
I'm quite loath to ask: why does Trump get credit for something two sovereign nations chose to do?

Dude traded stupid insults and meaningless threats with NK. Then met Kim, shook his hand, and announced that NK was no longer a threat because Kim committed to denuclearization, and then Kim kept right on going.

Meanwhile, SK continued to continue to pursue normalization of relations.

I don't so much as recall a tweet trying to claim credit for some sort of rail connection proposition.

So....when was this rail connection planned? Who said what about it? Etc. Why am I supposed to celebrate Trump? Or is this what I suspect: another instance of a Trumpster crediting Trump with anything good that seems to happen, while reserving blame for the Democrats if it goes south.
You didn't do that.
Wait so Trump isn’t the reason the sun rises and sets?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How did Trump do this? Very simple: He showed Kim Jung un respect by taking him seriously and as an equal. He took his threats seriously by threatening back. He signaled a willingness to trust if shown trust. It's impossible to deal with people who dislike and distrust you.

Trump was mocked, ridiculed and second guessed at every single step of this process by his supposed intellectual betters among the foreign policy establishment.

And we are seeing a second round of this with the DC foreign policy establishment's take on Syria.

Wait a minute. If something good happens The democrats take credit. Trump only gets credit if it is something bad and Bush has not already been blamed. Get with propaganda I mean program.

How did Trump do this? Very simple: He showed Kim Jung un respect by taking him seriously and as an equal. He took his threats seriously by threatening back. He signaled a willingness to trust if shown trust. It's impossible to deal with people who dislike and distrust you.

Trump was mocked, ridiculed and second guessed at every single step of this process by his supposed intellectual betters among the foreign policy establishment.

And we are seeing a second round of this with the DC foreign policy establishment's take on Syria.

****in wild!

Reading this gave me a flashback to my days in the 70's doing every drug on the street.

Did you come up with stuff straight?

We do need a train going to Mexico to send back all the lawless Mexicans in this country illegally. With an average of about 2,000 per train load it will take only 10,000 trips to Mexico to send them all back. If we send 1 train load a day back it will only take 25 years to send them back. Then we can start working on the rest of the illegals. I know they will sneak back in faster than we ship them out. I guess we need a wall.
^^ This is what you get when Twitter is your news source.

The cooperative effort between North and South Korea is happening despite Trump and U.S. sanctions. The railway between the two countries has been in place for years (well before Trump).Koreas Hold Groundbreaking Ceremony for Railway Project | Time


Trump is a total international relations noob who foolishly gave Un validation on the world stage and got absolutely nothing of value in return. We are no closer to a nuke free Korean Peninsula than the day Trump waddled his fat a** into the White House.

Nope. None it didn't actually happen until Trump came along. What a sorry, sorry sour grapes trope you have there.
Nope. None it didn't actually happen until Trump came along. What a sorry, sorry sour grapes trope you have there.
Enjoy your fantasy world (for as long as you can).
Not so historic


The Kaesong Industrial Region (KIR) or Kaesong Industrial Zone (KIZ) is a special administrative industrial region of North Korea (DPRK). It was formed in 2002 from part of the Kaesong Directly-Governed City. On 10 February 2016, it was temporarily closed by the South Korean government and all staff recalled by the Park Geun-hye administration,[1] although the incumbent President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, has signalled his desire to "reopen and expand" the region.[2]

Its most notable feature is the Kaesong industrial park, operated as a collaborative economic development with South Korea (ROK). The park is located ten kilometres (six miles) north of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, an hour's drive from Seoul, with direct road and rail access to South Korea. The park allows South Korean companies to employ cheap labour that is educated, skilled, and fluent in Korean, whilst providing North Korea with an important source of foreign currency.[3]

As of April 2013, 123 South Korean companies were employing approximately 53,000 DPRK workers and 800 ROK staff. Their wages, totalling $90 million each year, had been paid directly to the North Korean government.[4]

The industrial park was historic with direct rail access back in 2003

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