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No more exodus international (1 Viewer)

Northern Light

The Light of Truth
DP Veteran
Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score
Political Leaning
There are too many links about it, but here's a quick one:

Exodus International: 'Gay Cure' Group Leader Shutting Down Ministry After Change of Heart

The gist is that the leaders of exodus international decided to close up shop, saying they owe the gay community a big apology for urging them to not be gay. The group has claimed for years that homosexuality is something people struggle with, and that Jesus can help you overcome it to stop your sinful ways. Today they decided that they've done more harm than good, and admitted that the VAST majority of their former members are still gay. They are just more hurt after working so hard to be something they are not.

It takes a lot of strength to admit you were totally wrong and I hope more and more people begin to realize that these non-scientific therapy centers are doing more harm than good. I'm still a little confused about what exodus international thinks of homosexuality: either that it's okay, or that it's wrong but it's MORE wrong to try to lie to people about the fact that they can be converted and live a totally normal heterosexual life. Probably the latter, but either way is a step forward.
Good riddance, and good for them for being honest about it. People need to hear that kind of stuff.
I was really impressed by their heartfelt apology. Well done. I hope others follow their lead.

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