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No free money in New Jersey: Police want spilled banknotes back (1 Viewer)


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(Reuters) - Police in New Jersey on Thursday urged people who grabbed banknotes that spilled out of the back of an armored truck during rush-hour traffic to return the cash, no questions asked.

East Rutherford police began receiving calls at around 8:30 a.m. EST (1330 GMT) on Thursday that cash was blowing out of the bullet-resistant truck and multiple vehicles had crashed after several motorists abandoned their cars to chase the money.
I watched video of this farce on TV last night. It showed men stopping their cars on a busy highway & scampering about grabbing spilled cash off the pavement. Accidents galore. Good luck getting it back.

Watch the driver of the armored truck get promoted.

(Reuters) - Police in New Jersey on Thursday urged people who grabbed banknotes that spilled out of the back of an armored truck during rush-hour traffic to return the cash, no questions asked.

East Rutherford police began receiving calls at around 8:30 a.m. EST (1330 GMT) on Thursday that cash was blowing out of the bullet-resistant truck and multiple vehicles had crashed after several motorists abandoned their cars to chase the money.
I watched video of this farce on TV last night. It showed men stopping their cars on a busy highway & scampering about grabbing spilled cash off the pavement. Accidents galore. Good luck getting it back.

Watch the driver of the armored truck get promoted.

of course the alt left hillary radicals in an alt left state would want free money.

whoda thunk it...

of course the alt left hillary radicals in an alt left state would want free money.

whoda thunk it...


riiiiiight because there are no conservative criminals you are going to claim right?
riiiiiight because there are no conservative criminals you are going to claim right?

were talkin about this crime in an alt left state, committed by alt left radical hillary supporters (interesting how you so quickly jump to the thieves defense)

lol (laugh out loud)

typical support for criminals from the alt left

(Reuters) - Police in New Jersey on Thursday urged people who grabbed banknotes that spilled out of the back of an armored truck during rush-hour traffic to return the cash, no questions asked.

East Rutherford police began receiving calls at around 8:30 a.m. EST (1330 GMT) on Thursday that cash was blowing out of the bullet-resistant truck and multiple vehicles had crashed after several motorists abandoned their cars to chase the money.
I watched video of this farce on TV last night. It showed men stopping their cars on a busy highway & scampering about grabbing spilled cash off the pavement. Accidents galore. Good luck getting it back.

Watch the driver of the armored truck get promoted.

I don't care how much money was flying around Route 3 in East Rutherford. Wild horses couldn't compel me out of my car on that road at that hour.

Good luck to them getting the money back. That won't happen.
were talkin about this crime in an alt left state, committed by alt left radical hillary supporters (interesting how you so quickly jump to the thieves defense)

lol (laugh out loud)

typical support for criminals from the alt left

Please show where these people are Hillary supporters that did this. You realize that all you are doing is making yourself look more ridiculous right?

And how is asking for proof of these people being "liberal" is defending the act of thieving? :lamo
Please show where these people are Hillary supporters that did this. You realize that all you are doing is making yourself look more ridiculous right?

post number two on this thread where praxas jumps to the defense of the criminals
post number two on this thread where praxas jumps to the defense of the criminals

Yep because in your mind asking you to show PROOF of your claims is "defending" the act. :lamo
Yep because in your mind asking you to show PROOF of your claims is "defending" the act. :lamo

you want proof that alt left radicals are committing crimes? when are you guys not?

the OP clearly states this.

if you have an issue with alt left radical extremism...stop voting for hillary
you want proof that alt left radicals are committing crimes? when are you guys not?

the OP clearly states this.

if you have an issue with alt left radical extremism...stop voting for hillary

/yawn, you still haven't proven these folks were hillary supporters. Please prove your claims. Your lack of doing so just shows your dishonesty as usual. Please keep padding your post count because that's the only thing you are accomplishing.
of course the alt left hillary radicals in an alt left state would want free money.

whoda thunk it...


The idea that picking up free cash is a partisan behavior requires a special kind of partisanship.
It's difficult to pin those who stopped and took the money to a political side. Nor can you pin those who gave it back.
So, which side supposedly "hates" banks and corporate America, the other supposedly "loves" them? Would it matter?

(Reuters) - Police in New Jersey on Thursday urged people who grabbed banknotes that spilled out of the back of an armored truck during rush-hour traffic to return the cash, no questions asked.

East Rutherford police began receiving calls at around 8:30 a.m. EST (1330 GMT) on Thursday that cash was blowing out of the bullet-resistant truck and multiple vehicles had crashed after several motorists abandoned their cars to chase the money.
I watched video of this farce on TV last night. It showed men stopping their cars on a busy highway & scampering about grabbing spilled cash off the pavement. Accidents galore. Good luck getting it back.

Watch the driver of the armored truck get promoted.

Have they offerred recovery fees related to cleanup of this spillage? That is, if the cleaners choose to apply or just keep their fees and don't need thanks.
of course the alt left hillary radicals in an alt left state would want free money.

whoda thunk it...


What is “alt-left”? I know what alt-right is because the alt-right called themselves that and the assorted groups who identified as alt-right told us what they believe.
What is “alt-left”? I know what alt-right is because the alt-right called themselves that and the assorted groups who identified as alt-right told us what they believe.

leave it to an alt left radical to cower away from her own label.

hillary taught you "well" lol (laugh out loud)
leave it to an alt left radical to cower away from her own label.

Who? Who labeled themselves that?

hillary taught you "well" lol (laugh out loud)

I’m neither a Hillary supporter or voter so I’m not sure what you are talking about. All I asked is what does alt-left mean?

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