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Nina Jancowicz from DHS (Aliases: Scary Poppins, LoonyTunes, Agent Cringe) (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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"Hello, Central Casting? We need another failed theater kid like AOC, to head our new Ministry of Truth... Oh, you've got someone? Well, send them right over"

WTF is this? Are we living in a cartoon now? Looks like Disney is going beyond taking over Florida, and has invaded Washington, too.

She's like some zany villain from Batman -- and I'm talking campy 1960s Adam West era Batman.
No, wait - maybe she's more like a Bugs Bunny villain.

She's so far out there, that she's almost beyond parody -- almost:

Russia still trying to grab southeastern Ukraine, after its foray to seize the capital Kyiv flopped.
Disney still trying to grab southeastern USA, as its foray into America's capital DC flops.
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"Hello, Central Casting? We need another failed theater kid like AOC, to head our new Ministry of Truth... Oh, you've got someone? Well, send them right over"

WTF is this? Are we living in a cartoon now? Looks like Disney is going beyond taking over Florida, and has invaded Washington, too.

She's like some zany villain from Batman -- and I'm talking campy 1960s Adam West era Batman.
No, wait - maybe she's more like a Bugs Bunny villain.

She's so far out there, that she's almost beyond parody -- almost:

Russia still trying to grab southeastern Ukraine, after its foray to seize the capital Kyiv flopped.
Disney still trying to grab southeastern USA, as its foray into America's capital DC flops.

"ministry of truth"?

Who's feeding you these lies?
Unhinged opening post is unhinged.
Who's declaring what's lies? Your Ministry of Truth?
What the **** is the "ministry of truth"? You been reading too much HArry Potter or some some shit?
"ministry of truth"?

Who's feeding you these lies?
DeSantis was on about it Friday as reported by Breitbart and Newsmax .No doubt Tucker will be all over it tomorrow night.................. the new shiny object!
So which Tucker segment did the “ministry of truth” thing come from? Conservatives are suddenly saying it all the time.
So which Tucker segment did the “ministry of truth” thing come from? Conservatives are suddenly saying it all the time.
It was something DeSantis said Friday which was picked up by Brietbart and Newsmax......Tucker will likely run with it Monday night.

Of course the board is nothing like is being described but rather than do some homework the bobble heads will bobble....and bobble and bobble..
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It was something DeSantis said Friday which was picked up by Brietbart and Newsmax......Tucker will likely run with it Monday night.

Of course the board is noth8ng like is being described but rather than do some homework the bobble heads will bobble....and bobble and bobble..
Nope, it appears to have come from tucker. When conservatives suddenly all start using a sound bite at the same time, it’s probably a Tucker thing.

Nope, it appears to have come from tucker. When conservatives suddenly all start using a sound bite at the same time, it’s probably a Tucker thing.

I missed that!!!! Tucker was my first thought but then I saw the DeSantis article! They needed a new shiny object. Hunter and Disney are getting old and the base needs some new raw meat.
"Hello, Central Casting? We need another failed theater kid like AOC, to head our new Ministry of Truth... Oh, you've got someone? Well, send them right over"

WTF is this? Are we living in a cartoon now? Looks like Disney is going beyond taking over Florida, and has invaded Washington, too.

She's like some zany villain from Batman -- and I'm talking campy 1960s Adam West era Batman.
No, wait - maybe she's more like a Bugs Bunny villain.

She's so far out there, that she's almost beyond parody -- almost:

Russia still trying to grab southeastern Ukraine, after its foray to seize the capital Kyiv flopped.
Disney still trying to grab southeastern USA, as its foray into America's capital DC flops.

Let’s just call it a parody-rich environment.

DeSantis was on about it Friday as reported by Breitbart and Newsmax .No doubt Tucker will be all over it tomorrow night.................. the new shiny object!
But it doesn't exist.
Nope, it appears to have come from tucker. When conservatives suddenly all start using a sound bite at the same time, it’s probably a Tucker thing.

I missed that!!!! Tucker was my first thought but then I saw the DeSantis article! They needed a new shiny object. Hunter and Disney are getting old and the base needs some new raw meat.
Apparently, the NY Times has a big opinion piece on Tucker and it isn't very positive, quite the contrary, so my guess is that will be his focus not this.

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