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Nick Lampson's Revenge Against Tom Delay (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Nick Lampson was a Democratic congressman here in Texas until Tom Delay's redistricting plan cost him his job. Now, it appears that Lampson is going to have the last laugh. While Delay's popularity in his own district has plummeted, due to corruption, Lampson has filed to run against him. And Lampson will succeed. Want to know why? Because, while Lampson may be a Democrat, he is a very Conservative Democrat, whose style is close to Libertarian in nature, and he is very popular in Texas. Lampson also has good name recognition, and did garner a lot of Republican crossover votes in his district, until that district was torn apart by Delay's redistricting scheme.

Nick Lampson is not only Tom Delay's worst nightmare come true, he is going to be the man who unseats Delay, provided that Tom Delay hasnt been convicted and gone to jail by the time the elections roll around. I have never voted for a Democrat in my life, but this is a race where I could easily make an exception.

Article is here.
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danarhea said:
Nick Lampson was a Democratic congressman here in Texas until Tom Delay's redistricting plan cost him his job. Now, it appears that Lampson is going to have the last laugh. While Delay's popularity in his own district has plummeted, due to corruption, Lampson has filed to run against him. And Lampson will succeed. Want to know why? Because, while Lampson may be a Democrat, he is a very Conservative Democrat, whose style is close to Libertarian in nature, and he is very popular in Texas. Lampson also has good name recognition, and did garner a lot of Republican crossover votes in his district, until that district was torn apart by Delay's redistricting scheme.

Nick Lampson is not only Tom Delay's worst nightmare come true, he is going to be the man who unseats Delay, provided that Tom Delay hasnt been convicted and gone to jail by the time the elections roll around. I have never voted for a Democrat in my life, but this is a race where I could easily make an exception.

Article is here.

I hope he wins. danarhea, one of my close friends worked for Lampson--she loves him. She was heartbroken when he lost his Congressional seat. I would absolutely LOVE to see Lampson win his seat back. It would be poetic justice for Lampson.

aps said:
I hope he wins. danarhea, one of my close friends worked for Lampson--she loves him. She was heartbroken when he lost his Congressional seat. I would absolutely LOVE to see Lampson win his seat back. It would be poetic justice for Lampson.

He will. No doubt about it. According to a local poll, most voters would vote for a Democratic candidate over Delay this year. No distinction as to whether the Democrat would be a Liberal or Conservative. If he was Liberal, he would still be getting the Sugar Land vote, and the Sugar Land area outside of Houston is one of the most Conservative districts in the United States. The bonus is that Lampson is Conservative, which means that Tom Delay is toast.

Stick a fork in "hot tub" Tom Delay. He is done.
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Yeah, Delay sure is finished. I'm from NJ and I tend to vote for who has an italian name heh. Well no.. I read up on each party/politician and I see who is more for me, but if I need a tie breaker...yeah
danarhea said:
He will. No doubt about it. According to a local poll, most voters would vote for a Democratic candidate over Delay this year. No distinction as to whether the Democrat would be a Liberal or Conservative. If he was Liberal, he would still be getting the Sugar Land vote, and the Sugar Land area outside of Houston is one of the most Conservative districts in the United States. The bonus is that Lampson is Conservative, which means that Tom Delay is toast.

Stick a fork in "hot tub" Tom Delay. He is done.

One funny point in all of this is that a lot of the refugees from New Orleans are in Tom Delay's hometown of Sugar land. I wonder if DeLay will have time to redistrict his own district before the election. :roll:

Fortunately, some human acts do have positive benefits. People do weed their gardens, and some viruses can be expelled from the body politic. A large number of refugees from Katrina have moved to Sugarland, Texas, where the Republican incumbent Tom DeLay is facing criminal charges. In other words, several thousand very angry, very poor, and very disenfranchised African-American citizens will be voting for the Democratic ticket in Sugarland, despite DeLay's gerrymandering.


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