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NHL Prediction Game (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
Feb 25, 2022
Reaction score
Anti-Populism, Pro-NATO
Political Leaning
I volunteer my time to keep a standings of the scores after each matchday. Will also post a new list after each matchday finishes.

The game is easy, just write the name of the team that you think will win at the bottom of this list. 1 point for each correct guess (no money involved).

I will start with this Saturday only,
if nobody is interested then I will ask the moderator to delete this thread. If you are however interested, you can count on me updating the standings and ensuring accuracy. My mind always needs to do something.


My picks from the above list:

Pittsburg, NY Rangers, Nashville, St. Louis, Edmonton, Philadelphia, Montreal, Toronto Maple Leafs, Tampa Bay, Dallas, Colorado, Calgary, Seattle, Los Angeles

Please post your picks by tomorrow 12:30pm ET. That is when the first game that will begin. If you post after, don't include the games that already started.
If you want to keep this going, I'll take part. It will help me improve my knowledge of ice hockey (I'm European, lol).

I need a sporting team I can support and I don't much care for football/soccer. Ice Hockey could be my thing, and I think Toronto Maple Leafs are the logical choice as me and my wife considered the possibility of moving to Toronto a few years ago.
If you want to keep this going, I'll take part. It will help me improve my knowledge of ice hockey (I'm European, lol).

I need a sporting team I can support and I don't much care for football/soccer. Ice Hockey could be my thing, and I think Toronto Maple Leafs are the logical choice as me and my wife considered the possibility of moving to Toronto a few years ago.
Let's start with games from Thursday:



My picks from the above list:

Boston, Ottawa, Carolina, Tampa Bay, Washington, Calgary, Nashville, Edmonton, Vancouver, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Detroit, New York, Ottawa, Tampa Bay, Calgary, Vegas, Colorado, Anaheim, Vancouver, San Jose, Nashville, Winnipeg

25 points at stake. :cool:
Boston, Florida, Carolina, Tampa Bay, New York, Calgary, Colorado, Edmonton, LA, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Toronto, Florida, Detroit, Ottawa, Tampa bay, Calgary, St. Louis, Minnesota, Dallas, Edmonton, San Jose, Nashville, Winnipeg
Boston, Florida, Carolina, Tampa Bay, New York, Calgary, Colorado, Edmonton, LA, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Toronto, Florida, Detroit, Ottawa, Tampa bay, Calgary, St. Louis, Minnesota, Dallas, Edmonton, San Jose, Nashville, Winnipeg
My apologies, I won't be able to keep this going as tomorrow I need to switch focus to work.

After the Winnipeg game is over today, I will post the standings. So whoever wins all these games above -> gets the title for this season. I hope next season I will have more time.
Boston, Florida, Carolina, Tampa Bay, New York, Calgary, Colorado, Edmonton, LA, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Toronto, Florida, Detroit, Ottawa, Tampa bay, Calgary, St. Louis, Minnesota, Dallas, Edmonton, San Jose, Nashville, Winnipeg
The final score for the season (see my message in post #5):

Centrist; 14
Aristaeus: 15

It appears the first title goes to @Aristaeus. The prize -> you need to talk to Jeremy Corbyn, he has it. At least -> I can troll since -> you won.

Hopefully next season I will have more time. :cool:
My apologies, I won't be able to keep this going as tomorrow I need to switch focus to work.

After the Winnipeg game is over today, I will post the standings. So whoever wins all these games above -> gets the title for this season. I hope next season I will have more time.

No worries. :)

Who do you think will win the Stanley cup this year? And do you support a team?
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