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NH Senate: VT town may secede to New Hampshire (1 Viewer)


Apr 20, 2005
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As some of you may know, entire towns are working to try and secede to low-tax New Hampshire, the most prominent of them being Killington, Vermont. This month the resort town moved a step closer when it won tentative support from the "Free State's" Senate.


From http://www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp?S=3370478
(a Vermont TV station)

CONCORD, N.H. The New Hampshire Senate has joined the House in approving a plan to help Killington (Vermont) join the Granite State. The Senate yesterday approved setting up a commission to negotiate the terms of Killington's secession, but only if Vermont establishes a similar commission.

The plan must go back to the House for another vote, because the Senate made a change to the version the House passed. The governor's office would not say whether Governor John Lynch plans to sign the plan.

In Killington, Norman Holcomb, chairman of the Select Board, said he hopes the secession talk will prompt changes in Vermont's tax system so town residents will change their minds about wanting to leave. But he says they're still working to get lawmakers to set up a commission to negotiate with New Hampshire.

Vermont Governor James Douglas says he's confident Killington will remain part of Vermont.


For information on how *you* can secede to New Hampshire and attain more freedom, visit www.FreeStateProject.org
DadaOrwell said:
As some of you may know, entire towns are working to try and secede to low-tax New Hampshire, the most prominent of them being Killington, Vermont. This month the resort town moved a step closer when it won tentative support from the "Free State's" Senate.

There was such talk in the 1970s with Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard wanting to break away from the People's Republic of Massachusetts and join New Hampshire but nothing came of it. The State of Vermont would have to approve any secession, and they are not likely to do it, especially considering how important Killington is to their tourist base.
<<The State of Vermont would have to approve any secession, and they are not likely to do it, especially considering how important Killington is to their tourist base.>>

right, in all likelihood they will only be able to embarrass the VT authorities, make them look oppressive and maybe cut a better deal on taxation. In the meantime it's great PR for New Hampshire.
DadaOrwell said:
right, in all likelihood they will only be able to embarrass the VT authorities, make them look oppressive and maybe cut a better deal on taxation. In the meantime it's great PR for New Hampshire.

Vermont does enough to make themselves look bad. They elect Bernie Sanders and Howard Dean. There is something about crossing the Connecticut River that does something to those poor Vermonters.

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