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News Source (1 Viewer)

Where do you get your news ?

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Hi NoobieDoobieDo! :2wave:


Ahhh -- You left out the internet. http://news.myway.com and Debate Politics has an extensive list of news outlets.
I watch O'Reilly, Hannity and Colmes, Bill Maher , and Jon Stewart on TV. Just because I turn to two comedians doesn't mean I'm uninformed. I believe Jon Steward was in Time's top 100 people because he points out hipocracy in politics and Bill Maher, while funny, has very serious opinions which he backs up with fact. When I wake up in the morning I usually watch CNN to get non political news. I also have a subscription to Time magazine. Then for news online (Which wasn't an option) I read Fark (It's funny), USA Today, Google News (I like the variety of sources), sometimes the New York Times, CNN.com, and BBC news. Obviouly I don't read all of these in depth, but I scan them all over until I find articles of interest.
The internet.
I notice that it wasn't one of my choices.
The internet le's me play news director. I get to see what stories I deem important and relevant.

Here's a list of feeds that I often access:


I especially like the Christian Science Monitor and Financial Times
MikeyC said:
I watch O'Reilly, Hannity and Colmes, Bill Maher , and Jon Stewart on TV. Just because I turn to two comedians doesn't mean I'm uninformed. I believe Jon Steward was in Time's top 100 people because he points out hipocracy in politics and Bill Maher, while funny, has very serious opinions which he backs up with fact. When I wake up in the morning I usually watch CNN to get non political news. I also have a subscription to Time magazine. Then for news online (Which wasn't an option) I read Fark (It's funny), USA Today, Google News (I like the variety of sources), sometimes the New York Times, CNN.com, and BBC news. Obviouly I don't read all of these in depth, but I scan them all over until I find articles of interest.

Welcome to Debate Politics!

This sounds a lot like what I do, though the names of some in my usual routine are a little different. I think it's smart to get several different takes on things.
Squawker said:
Hi NoobieDoobieDo! :2wave:


Ahhh -- You left out the internet. http://news.myway.com and Debate Politics has an extensive list of news outlets.

Your right - I was totally high and completely forgot.

Ironicly the net is where I get almost all my news.
I get a little of everything. I really enjoy reading online. TV news & commentary is usually on in my house (FOX, MSNBC, CNN & ESPN). I do not watch network TV except for the NFL. Magazines are The Weekly Standard, US News & World Report & Sports Illustrated. The only newspaper I read is my hometown newspaper. All others I get online from different websites.

I watch PBS and NPR for my news-I tend to see them as the most fair of all the different groups. Sometimes I will hear an editorial on NPR, but I just turn the station. But actually, my favorite program is on it-"Left, Right, and Center" which is a great show, not with Dems and Repubs arguing, but with people trying to find common ground and figure out how we can make the system work with the least amount of acrimony. But, I don't consider that news, that is something to help me evaluate my posistions.

For entertainement, I will tune into Jon Stewart (religiously) and O'reilly-who I loathe, detest, and find a plague on the world, but also find entertaining and someone who allows me to yell at my TV shouting obscenities.
NoobieDoobieDo said:
Where do you get your news diet from ?

All of the above

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