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News reporters (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 22, 2005
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United States
Political Leaning
Does anyone here view MSNBC? I think Chris Jansing is extremely hot! Monica Crowley isn't bad either.
Rita Crosby - woohoo!

vauge said:
Rita Crosby - woohoo!


Rita's nice, but she sounds like she brought her house with Marlboro miles...

Gimme Lauren Green and Kiran Chetry...not at the same time, though...I don't think my heart could take it...
cnredd said:
Rita's nice, but she sounds like she brought her house with Marlboro miles...
LOL, yeah her voice is unique.
I guess the reason why I like her is that she is not a size 10. She is more representative the average American woman. She is a little on the plus side.

*Vauge admits that he likes women who can keep him warm at night.* :mrgreen:
Julie Banderas and Laurie Duhe of FOX NEWS.
vauge said:
LOL, yeah her voice is unique.
I guess the reason why I like her is that she is not a size 10. She is more representative the average American woman. She is a little on the plus side.

*Vauge admits that he likes women who can keep him warm at night.* :mrgreen:

isnt a 10 pretty big?
FiremanRyan said:
isnt a 10 pretty big?
Oh, I thought 10 was the stardard by which it is applied. :confused:

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