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News is short for new and shiny and new and scary. (1 Viewer)


Green Party progressive
DP Veteran
Nov 4, 2020
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Political Leaning
News is short for new and shiny and new and scary.
An American newspaper publisher (who had emigrated to the States when he was 17) had the habit of parsing "news" as a plural noun.

Reportedly, he once asked one of his editors whether there were any news that he should know about.

His cheeky editor supposedly answered something like: "No, sir. Not a new."

P.S. His name was Joseph Pulitzer.
The visuals didn't help explain?

Not beyond the obvious. Looks and sounds like old news to me. I thought there might have been more to it. So, I asked and got a question. There's no more there, there, than what is there. Which is nowhere.
Not beyond the obvious. Looks and sounds like old news to me. I thought there might have been more to it. So, I asked and got a question. There's no more there, there, than what is there. Which is nowhere.

We'll leave it at that, then.

You seem like one of the better commenters here. You might even be relatively progressive.
We'll leave it at that, then.

You seem like one of the better commenters here. You might even be relatively progressive.

Thanks. I do, though, recognize that a prog is not necessarily the same as a lib, but a lib is most likely progressive.

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