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Newbie Here! (1 Viewer)


May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Hey! :2wave: Obviously, I'm new here! My name is Christina and I'm 24. Politically, I'm neither a lib or a con, although I did vote for Bush in the last election (I mean, John Kerry as leader of the free world, really, come on now). I am the proud owner of 2 horses, 1 dog, 2 cats, 2 lizards, and no children (thank God). I love my critters dearly, but I do not consider them my replacement kids (I like them better than I like most kids). My biggest hobby is horses. I've been riding since I was 3, and have owned horses since the age of 8. Actually, I came up with my screen name using the name of one of my horses (his name is Snafu, and I call him Fu for short sometimes, hence "Fu_chick"). I know, I'm a dork.

Other than that I'm into outdoorsy stuff--hiking, camping etc. So far, this site seems to be an awesome political board and I hope to have some interesting discussions here.
Weckom weckom weckom.

Glad to have you.
Fu_chick said:
Hey! :2wave: Obviously, I'm new here! My name is Christina and I'm 24. Politically, I'm neither a lib or a con, although I did vote for Bush in the last election (I mean, John Kerry as leader of the free world, really, come on now). I am the proud owner of 2 horses, 1 dog, 2 cats, 2 lizards, and no children (thank God). I love my critters dearly, but I do not consider them my replacement kids (I like them better than I like most kids). My biggest hobby is horses. I've been riding since I was 3, and have owned horses since the age of 8. Actually, I came up with my screen name using the name of one of my horses (his name is Snafu, and I call him Fu for short sometimes, hence "Fu_chick"). I know, I'm a dork.

Other than that I'm into outdoorsy stuff--hiking, camping etc. So far, this site seems to be an awesome political board and I hope to have some interesting discussions here.


I too voted for Bush, and have 3 horses, 2 dogs, and a cat.

I love animals.
:wcm to Debate Politics!

We are thinking of getting a small dog for our little one who is turning 2 in June.

Any suggestions?

Noticed in another thread about dogs you seem to know your stuff Fu_chick. (That sure is weird to type. lol)
vauge said:
:wcm to Debate Politics!

We are thinking of getting a small dog for our little one who is turning 2 in June.

Any suggestions?

Noticed in another thread about dogs you seem to know your stuff Fu_chick. (That sure is weird to type. lol)

i've had a chocolate lab/australian shepard mix since i was 7, and she's always been the sweetest around little kids, and we just got a west highland white terrier. very sweet, but they nip a little playfully, which might not be good for a younger kid.
vauge said:
:wcm to Debate Politics!

We are thinking of getting a small dog for our little one who is turning 2 in June.

Any suggestions?

Noticed in another thread about dogs you seem to know your stuff Fu_chick. (That sure is weird to type. lol)

One small breed that is really good with kids is the Cavalier King Charles Spanial. In one study I saw it was ranked in the top ten best breeds for kids. People who own them say they are a big dog in a small package. Whatever kind of dog you get just make sure that you teach your kid early how to behave around dogs. Also, it is never a good idea to leave a child that age unattended with any kind of dog. Anyhoo, here are some Cavalier sites you might check out:


Terreris CAN be OK for small kids, but they have a high prey drive and squealing kids can stimulate that drive.

If I had a toddler and was looking to get a dog, I would do LOTS of reseach. Do searches online, read books, contact breeders, and if you have time it would even be great if you could attend a show and talk to people who work with and own the breed. Most dog people LOVE to talk about their dogs. Good luck!
Always good to go with a Jack Russel Terrier.. they're really good for kids!

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