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New York City Paying For LGBTQIAC2+ Ads in Florida (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Republic of Florida
Political Leaning

If I was a New York resident, I would be pissed at my govt sponsoring ads in Florida over this, but as a Floridian its a win win. Someone else is paying to lure people who are hostile to parents and want to teach sex politics to young children, to New York. Money is donated by New Yorkers, and others in the country I assume. And this is appears to an official NYC supported campaign, so there's some tax dollars mixed in paying officials to run it.

The "Parental Rights in Education bill" (HB 1557) says "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
The New York City ad campaign is intended to show support for the LGBTQ community in Florida in response to the "state-sponsored discrimination," Adams said.

If I was a New York resident, I would be pissed at my govt sponsoring ads in Florida over this, but as a Floridian its a win win. Someone else is paying to lure people who are hostile to parents and want to teach sex politics to young children, to New York. Money is donated by New Yorkers, and others in the country I assume. And this is appears to an official NYC supported campaign, so there's some tax dollars mixed in paying officials to run it.

The "Parental Rights in Education bill" (HB 1557) says "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
The New York City ad campaign is intended to show support for the LGBTQ community in Florida in response to the "state-sponsored discrimination," Adams said.

What is "sex politics"?
right wingers whining about funding, they have foreign countries doing things on republican's behalf, dark money flooding in the GOP. Many NYers vacation or have 2nd homes in Florida so the state turning into Afghanistan probably has an affect on many of them
New York City asking gays to come to the Big (Rotting) Apple?


Things really do change!

Young people do not know that back in the primitive 20th century, NYC wanted to drive away gays.

The New York Times (yes, today's leader of the Resistance to Trump) editorialized against gays. The head editor was openly against any public display of gayness.

The New York police department would encourage landlords to evict gay tenants.

And the NYPD would brag about how many gays it was able to entrap every year.

If I was a New York resident, I would be pissed at my govt sponsoring ads in Florida over this, but as a Floridian its a win win. Someone else is paying to lure people who are hostile to parents and want to teach sex politics to young children, to New York. Money is donated by New Yorkers, and others in the country I assume. And this is appears to an official NYC supported campaign, so there's some tax dollars mixed in paying officials to run it.

The "Parental Rights in Education bill" (HB 1557) says "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
The New York City ad campaign is intended to show support for the LGBTQ community in Florida in response to the "state-sponsored discrimination," Adams said.
I cannot believe anyone would be dumb enough to go to New York from Florida because Eric Adams says you can say anything in NY. Doesn't Adams realize the traffic keeps going the other way?
I spent too many years living in NYC and on the Island to know I never want to go back there.
Basically, Adams is pandering to the LGBTQ crowd he already has in NYC.
He has to spend millions of NYC taxpayer dollars just to do that?
What, in the flying frack, is LGBTQIAC+ ?

If that acronym gets any longer you're going to hurt yourself.

I think the last letter "C" is for Confusion.

I used to believe Bizarro World in the Superman comics was a strange place.
The Progressives are creating their own Bizarro World right here in the USA.

What is LGBTQIA+?​

LGBTQIA+ is an acronym that means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Two- spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, A-gender, Bi-gender, Gender Queer, Pansexual, Pangender, and Gender Variant. Keep an open mind because this is continuously evolving.

Helpful Hints for Interacting with LGBTQIA+ Community​

  1. Not everyone fits neatly inside of a cookie cutter
  2. People want to be themselves
  3. Curiosity does not equal open mindedness
  4. Make no assumptions
  5. Do not out LGBTQIA+ individuals without their permission
  6. Do not assume a LGBTQIA+ individual has a crush on you or anyone else
  7. Do not say: "We all knew"; "You just haven't met the right one yet"; "We still love you anyway"; "You're handsome/beautiful to be a homosexual"
  8. Do not assume one's preferred gender pronoun
  9. Respect gender pronouns
  10. Advocate for gender neutral bathrooms
  11. Do not ask a trans person what their "real name" is
  12. Do not deny trans individuals access to bathrooms
  13. Do not ask trans individuals what their genitals look like
  14. Do not say “Real Woman” or “Real Man”, instead say transwoman or transman
  15. Do not say transsexual, transvestite, tranny, transgendered, or “A trans”, instead say transgender
  16. Do not say “he-she”, “she-male”, or “it”, instead use their asserted pronouns, or “they” if not sure
  17. Anti-LGBTQIA+ comments and jokes are harmful and offensive
  18. Believe that ALL people regardless of gender identity/and or sexual orientation should be treated with respect
  19. Do take responsibility for your own education
  20. Making mistakes is part of learning how to be an ally; acknowledge, apologize and learn from them
  21. What’s heard here stays here, but what’s learned here leaves here.

New York City asking gays to come to the Big (Rotting) Apple?


Things really do change!

Young people do not know that back in the primitive 20th century, NYC wanted to drive away gays.

The New York Times (yes, today's leader of the Resistance to Trump) editorialized against gays. The head editor was openly against any public display of gayness.

The New York police department would encourage landlords to evict gay tenants.

And the NYPD would brag about how many gays it was able to entrap every year.
You used to be able to beat your wife with a stick as long as it wasn’t thicker than your thumb too. Do you miss that?

The Roman’s fed Christians to lions. Do you wish they still did?

If I was a New York resident, I would be pissed at my govt sponsoring ads in Florida over this, but as a Floridian its a win win. Someone else is paying to lure people who are hostile to parents and want to teach sex politics to young children, to New York. Money is donated by New Yorkers, and others in the country I assume. And this is appears to an official NYC supported campaign, so there's some tax dollars mixed in paying officials to run it.

The "Parental Rights in Education bill" (HB 1557) says "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
The New York City ad campaign is intended to show support for the LGBTQ community in Florida in response to the "state-sponsored discrimination," Adams said.
It is great that you are not a New York resident. RWE have no business politicizing school curriculum as a tactic to lure votes to protect wealthiest
G.O.P. donors from their core concerns,

Aug. 5, 2021
"...On the surface, Republican demands should have made agreement impossible. G.O.P. senators were adamantly opposed to tax increases. They also blocked proposals to give the I.R.S. resources to crack down on widespread tax evasion — a stance that even cynics like yours truly found a bit shocking. What kind of party more or less openly aligns itself with wealthy tax cheats? ..."

The kind of party that would target anything and anybody in its constant effort to divert attention away from discussion
of issues that most concern the party's wealthiest political donors...

Super-Rich Americans Feel Relief as Tax Hikes Are Canceled ...​

https://www.bloomberg.com › news › articles › super-ri...

Dec 20, 2021 — Meanwhile, the very richest Americans have reaped massive windfalls. The net worths of Americans on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, a daily ...

Make this the last year that millionaires stop paying into Social ...​

https://thehill.com › blogs › congress-blog › politics › 5...

Feb 22, 2022 — The payroll wage cap for 2022 is $147,000. Capping payroll taxes according to wages deprives Social Security of much-needed revenue.

Elites Earning $50,000 Per Hour Already Paid Their Social ...​

https://www.forbes.com › teresaghilarducci › 2022/01/03

Jan 3, 2022 — They earn the Social Security tax cap of $147,000 in just a few hours. After their first $147,000 of earnings, high-income workers stop ...

After Four Years, IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting of Tea Party Groups

https://www.motherjones.com › kevin-drum › 2017/10
Oct 6, 2017 — Let's take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember Lois Lerner? BOLO? The IRS audits of tea party organizations? Sure you do.

Republicans stand against president's IRS bank plan - WAVY ...

https://www.wavy.com ›
Oct 19, 2021 Toomey says the IRS has a track record of discriminating against conservative organizations and doesn't believe the collected information .
I think the last letter "C" is for Confusion.

I used to believe Bizarro World in the Superman comics was a strange place.
The Progressives are creating their own Bizarro World right here in the USA.

What is LGBTQIA+?​

LGBTQIA+ is an acronym that means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Two- spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, A-gender, Bi-gender, Gender Queer, Pansexual, Pangender, and Gender Variant. Keep an open mind because this is continuously evolving.

Helpful Hints for Interacting with LGBTQIA+ Community​

  1. Not everyone fits neatly inside of a cookie cutter
  2. People want to be themselves
  3. Curiosity does not equal open mindedness
  4. Make no assumptions
  5. Do not out LGBTQIA+ individuals without their permission
  6. Do not assume a LGBTQIA+ individual has a crush on you or anyone else
  7. Do not say: "We all knew"; "You just haven't met the right one yet"; "We still love you anyway"; "You're handsome/beautiful to be a homosexual"
  8. Do not assume one's preferred gender pronoun
  9. Respect gender pronouns
  10. Advocate for gender neutral bathrooms
  11. Do not ask a trans person what their "real name" is
  12. Do not deny trans individuals access to bathrooms
  13. Do not ask trans individuals what their genitals look like
  14. Do not say “Real Woman” or “Real Man”, instead say transwoman or transman
  15. Do not say transsexual, transvestite, tranny, transgendered, or “A trans”, instead say transgender
  16. Do not say “he-she”, “she-male”, or “it”, instead use their asserted pronouns, or “they” if not sure
  17. Anti-LGBTQIA+ comments and jokes are harmful and offensive
  18. Believe that ALL people regardless of gender identity/and or sexual orientation should be treated with respect
  19. Do take responsibility for your own education
  20. Making mistakes is part of learning how to be an ally; acknowledge, apologize and learn from them
  21. What’s heard here stays here, but what’s learned here leaves here.

Holey Hannah.

I didn't even understand half of that. I guess I'm a sheltered innocent. :)
Holey Hannah.

I didn't even understand half of that. I guess I'm a sheltered innocent. :)
LOL - same here.

But, not to worry - most of the normal world finds it just as bewildering. o_O
I think the last letter "C" is for Confusion.

I used to believe Bizarro World in the Superman comics was a strange place.
The Progressives are creating their own Bizarro World right here in the USA.

What is LGBTQIA+?​

LGBTQIA+ is an acronym that means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Two- spirit, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, A-gender, Bi-gender, Gender Queer, Pansexual, Pangender, and Gender Variant. Keep an open mind because this is continuously evolving.

Helpful Hints for Interacting with LGBTQIA+ Community​

  1. Not everyone fits neatly inside of a cookie cutter
  2. People want to be themselves
  3. Curiosity does not equal open mindedness
  4. Make no assumptions
  5. Do not out LGBTQIA+ individuals without their permission
  6. Do not assume a LGBTQIA+ individual has a crush on you or anyone else
  7. Do not say: "We all knew"; "You just haven't met the right one yet"; "We still love you anyway"; "You're handsome/beautiful to be a homosexual"
  8. Do not assume one's preferred gender pronoun
  9. Respect gender pronouns
  10. Advocate for gender neutral bathrooms
  11. Do not ask a trans person what their "real name" is
  12. Do not deny trans individuals access to bathrooms
  13. Do not ask trans individuals what their genitals look like
  14. Do not say “Real Woman” or “Real Man”, instead say transwoman or transman
  15. Do not say transsexual, transvestite, tranny, transgendered, or “A trans”, instead say transgender
  16. Do not say “he-she”, “she-male”, or “it”, instead use their asserted pronouns, or “they” if not sure
  17. Anti-LGBTQIA+ comments and jokes are harmful and offensive
  18. Believe that ALL people regardless of gender identity/and or sexual orientation should be treated with respect
  19. Do take responsibility for your own education
  20. Making mistakes is part of learning how to be an ally; acknowledge, apologize and learn from them
  21. What’s heard here stays here, but what’s learned here leaves here.

Whatever, Karen.

If I was a New York resident, I would be pissed at my govt sponsoring ads in Florida over this, but as a Floridian its a win win. Someone else is paying to lure people who are hostile to parents and want to teach sex politics to young children, to New York. Money is donated by New Yorkers, and others in the country I assume. And this is appears to an official NYC supported campaign, so there's some tax dollars mixed in paying officials to run it.

The "Parental Rights in Education bill" (HB 1557) says "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
The New York City ad campaign is intended to show support for the LGBTQ community in Florida in response to the "state-sponsored discrimination," Adams said.
Good! I hope every state does it. **** Floriduh.

If I was a New York resident, I would be pissed at my govt sponsoring ads in Florida over this, but as a Floridian its a win win. Someone else is paying to lure people who are hostile to parents and want to teach sex politics to young children, to New York. Money is donated by New Yorkers, and others in the country I assume. And this is appears to an official NYC supported campaign, so there's some tax dollars mixed in paying officials to run it.

The "Parental Rights in Education bill" (HB 1557) says "classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."
The New York City ad campaign is intended to show support for the LGBTQ community in Florida in response to the "state-sponsored discrimination," Adams said.

What NYC is doing is legal. Get over it. :)
What, in the flying frack, is LGBTQIAC+ ?
Idk but in the real world people on the left generally use LGBTQ+ or queer. I'm convinced the longer acronym is a conservative psyop to make the left look crazy.
Idk but in the real world people on the left generally use LGBTQ+ or queer. I'm convinced the longer acronym is a conservative psyop to make the left look crazy.

I can manage saying LGBT... though it may come out sounding like "Elgy Beatie". Anything longer and I'm either going to stutter or have a stroke due to my allergy to acronyms. :)
What NYC is doing is legal. Get over it. :)
There are many things that are legal which are truly foolish.
Like making Kamala Harris the second most important politician in the country.
That's after making a doddering old man with dementia the most powerful politician in the entire world.
There are many things that are legal which are truly foolish.
Like making Kamala Harris the second most important politician in the country.
That's after making a doddering old man with dementia the most powerful politician in the entire world.

And there's the whataboutism. Glad you weren't able to come up with an intelligent argument against these ads. (y)
Holey Hannah.

I didn't even understand half of that. I guess I'm a sheltered innocent. :)
You have to be a 'woke' cult member in order to relate to any of those tenets of LGBTQ-ism.
Its good that all the supporters of child predators are raising their hands and being recognized.

As if their support of the SCOTUS nominee wasnt enough.
Its good that all the supporters of child predators are raising their hands and being recognized.

As if their support of the SCOTUS nominee wasnt enough.

Which ones? The people who voted for donald trump?
And there's the whataboutism. Glad you weren't able to come up with an intelligent argument against these ads. (y)
And you still think displaying that picture representing you makes you credible.
At least my picture is attractive and inspirational.

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