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New years prediction I hope I'm wrong about. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 25, 2016
Reaction score
Port Hadlock, WA
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Just having watched Trump, and seen the lack of planning, the infantile "I must be protected" way he handles things, I think the shut down, and the transition with the Dems taking over, I suspect he's planning to try and use all this as a distraction, while he orders Whittaker to somehow fire Muelller/Kill the investigation. My instincts on this, If I had disposeable money to lay on it, I think I would. Look for some YUGE dumbass panic move like that as the Dems take over.:shock:
My prediction...life goes on.
My prediction...life goes on.

If I'm right about this, it will be the end of the Trump presidency, and one hell of a mess. Trouble is, I think this end will be a slow motion trainwreck, with reluctant Republicans trying to obstruct until it's total political suicide to continue to do so. We're already seeing some trying to get distance. They know how those who supported Nixon faired in the re-election bids, and it wasn't pretty. No matter what, those who embraced Trump within the GOP are going to take a hit.

Fact is, even if it was the end of America, life would indeed go on. Just sucks we have to live with the consequences of a minority elected catastrophe of a president.:roll:

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