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New US swarmsats will scatter to avoid space war strikes (1 Viewer)


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New US swarmsats will scatter to avoid space-war strikes

F6 Bomb-burst manoeuvre will avoid actual bomb bursts

By Lewis Page • Get more from this author

Posted in Space, 17th August 2010 16:01 GMT

The USA's new "fractionated" swarm satellites - in which groups of small wirelessly-linked modules in orbit will replace today's large spacecraft - will be able to scatter to avoid enemy attacks and then reform into operational clusters.

Federal documents released yesterday regarding the "System F6" project (Future, Fast, Flexible, Fractionated, Free-Flying Spacecraft) announcing a conference for interested contractors specify the requirement:

Defensive cluster scatter and regather maneuver. Demonstrate the ability of every module in the cluster to egress from a 20 km diameter “threat sphere” within 5 minutes. The modules must subsequently regather into a cluster configuration following the defensive scatter.

It has previously been specified that the F6 swarmsat cluster must be contactable even when out of line-of sight from US ground stations or other military comms platforms. British satcomms firm Inmarsat was recently awarded a contract to supply the trial F6 swarm with constant broadband access via commercial satellites.

The ability to contact an F6 swarmsat at any time would allow its controllers to order a "defensive scatter" on detection of a threat such as an antisatellite weapons launch or an approaching unidentified spacecraft. Such detections might be made by the various new space-warning systems being set up by the US, or by existing methods.

Much though active space warfare - including attack on another nation's spacecraft - is strictly forbidden by international law and treaty, it would seem that the USA intends to be ready for it anyway.

New US swarmsats will scatter to avoid space-war strikes ? The Register

Ha! We are moving so ahead of other nations in space. It is silly when others try to compete with us.

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