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New Tutorial to Test. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
With vauge's help, I made a tutorial for the site. I would like to have the ones who read this, test it out and let me know how it works. Here are a couple things to think about.
  1. Music, yes or no?
  2. Can you see it ok?
  3. Is it easy to understand?
  4. Do all the links work for you?
  5. Are there any unanswered questions?
  6. What would you add to it?


There is reply link at the bottom of the page, or you can reply to this post. Thanks, I appreciate your help and input.
:bravo: this is good stuff!

The links are still hard to see in mozilla.
If need be I'll make singatures for donations I am typically a good signature creator.
The links are still hard to see in mozilla.
Is it the color yellow? How does the red look?
Squawker said:
Is it the color yellow? How does the red look?

Yellow is cool - the blue ones I cannot see very well.

Arch Enemy said:
If need be I'll make singatures for donations I am typically a good signature creator.

Yes you are, I must say - I am jealous of ShamMol's sig... it's sweet!
If you are willing to volunteer to create sigs, that would be awesome!
Yellow is cool - the blue ones I cannot see very well.
Thanks, should be fixed now.
Yeah I'll volunteer. Here I'll post some of my best work.





made the planet completely from a black circle.

my CNN look alike http://img160.echo.cx/img160/4871/cnn8gd.gif
WOW! Very nice!
Squawker said:
With vauge's help, I made a tutorial for the site. I would like to have the ones who read this, test it out and let me know how it works. Here are a couple things to think about.
  1. Music, yes or no?
  2. Can you see it ok?
  3. Is it easy to understand?
  4. Do all the links work for you?
  5. Are there any unanswered questions?
  6. What would you add to it?


There is reply link at the bottom of the page, or you can reply to this post. Thanks, I appreciate your help and input.

1. sure.
2. yes
3. yes
4. no, sometimes when I enter a huge thread the screen screws up and get huge to where it takes me forever to read all the posts.
5. no
6. nothing, i love this place.
maybe a different background for it?

I don't exactly like the purple.. doesn't go well with the text.

Nice job with the links.. I'd give them spaces and different colors.
I don't exactly like the purple
I thought it was blue. :doh
Thanks for the input. Keep the comments coming in -- I will get it all fixed. :lol:
Pullleeaazzee turn off the muzak!
Hi Kelzie :2wave:

I changed it so people who don't want music can turn it off. Look for a control bar above the picture on top. :2razz:
Thank you thank you thank you thank you :lol: Not that..umm..your taste in..."music"...is bad or anything... ;)
Nice job on teh tutorial Squawker. :cool:

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