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New to the neighborhood. (1 Viewer)


Nov 22, 2005
Reaction score
RedSox Nation
Political Leaning
Hello. I've been here a week or two and don't really know anyone. I'm a registered Dem from Maine. I snowboard in the winter and play video games all year. I'm agnostic and a moderate liberal. My interests are history, psychology, religious sociology, and religious history. I'ma real big Red Sox fan also. That's me in a nut shell unless anyone has any questions.:2wave:
Hello YNKYH8R!:2wave:

Bustabush said:
Yes why are you a liberal? lol Welcome to Debatepolitics!
Because it seems as though it fits my patern of thinking. And I have to be since I drank the flavor-aid.:rofl
Because it seems as though it fits my patern of thinking. And I have to be since I drank the flavor-aid.

It's Kool Aid by the way. lol I hope to see you in the Forums. :2wave:
Bustabush said:
It's Kool Aid by the way. lol I hope to see you in the Forums. :2wave:

The idiom drink the Kool-Aid, defined by Wordspy as "To become a firm believer in something; to accept an argument or philosophy wholeheartedly or blindly," is a product of the Jonestown massacre, despite the fact that the beverage consumed by the Jonestowners was not actually Kool-Aid but rather Flavor Aid.


Hope to see ya on the threads YNKYH8R!



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