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New Signature Dilemma (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Which one should I use next, I made two..

Abstract painting with visible "Arch-Enemy" name, used various custom-made brushes.


Based on the book "Dante's Inferno". Took a picture of a minotaur in order to make it look like a variant of Dante's depiction of "Lucifier". Added the glow to the eyes, airbrushed the color of the fur on the beast. Used various custom-made brushes.

So, which one?
#2 rocks! Almost as much as galenrox, but not quite.

You have a gift man - you will go far with it.
Number 2.

But keep number one? That's great too!
I don't know, number one just seems more political for some reason. Number two says "Death to all, grrr!"
HTColeman said:
I don't know, number one just seems more political for some reason. Number two says "Death to all, grrr!"

That's what it's supposed to say!

ha! I'm harmless!
Personally I lean towards number 1.

In number two, is that Ifrit?
Number 1...

Number two gives the impression you're a "Wizards & Warriors" geek.
Pacridge said:
I agree.

Wow! I agree with with Cnredd, it has been a strange day.
(breathing heavily and sounding like James Earl Jones)...Come to the dark side....
Yes...join the dark side...we have better health care!!! (insert evil laugh here)

anyway, number one.
cnredd said:
Number 1...

Number two gives the impression you're a "Wizards & Warriors" geek.

Didn't know that Dante's Inferno was a sign of being a "Wizards and Warriors" geek.
It's a minotaur altered to look like Lucifer in Dante's Inferno.

Pokemon? They're, supposedly, colorful creatures with child like characteristics so children could relate to them more.
How dare you connect Lucifer with Pokemon!
Lilith said:
2 - It's HOT!


I make them also for people who donate to Debate Politics. At the persons request, of course!
Arch Enemy said:

I make them also for people who donate to Debate Politics. At the persons request, of course!
Thank you... I have noticed... You are gifted indeed. Should I ever donate... you'll be the first to know. :)
You picked number 2...I sense fear, anger and confusion in you...that may lead to the darkside.

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