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New Reports: Trump’s Mass Deportation Raids Will Begin Next Week (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 5, 2022
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As usual, apologies if duplicated.

I think it's important to note that while Trump is a lying, grifting, raping racist woman-hater, he really does almost kind of seem to believe he can magic a MAGA US into existence with the twin pillars of cruelty: raids and tariffs.

The key point, anyway:

"The Wall Street Journal reports that four people familiar with the plan say the incoming administration is preparing for a large-scale immigration raid to begin in Chicago on Tuesday, and last a week.

The New York Times reports that the plan is called “Operation Safeguard” and will involve about 150 agents. ICE routinely carries out deportations in cities, but the Times noted that “the agency was taking additional steps to ramp up enforcement for the operation and tied it to Mr. Trump’s inauguration in a message sent to personnel throughout the agency.”
As usual, apologies if duplicated.

I think it's important to note that while Trump is a lying, grifting, raping racist woman-hater, he really does almost kind of seem to believe he can magic a MAGA US into existence with the twin pillars of cruelty: raids and tariffs.

The key point, anyway:

"The Wall Street Journal reports that four people familiar with the plan say the incoming administration is preparing for a large-scale immigration raid to begin in Chicago on Tuesday, and last a week.

The New York Times reports that the plan is called “Operation Safeguard” and will involve about 150 agents. ICE routinely carries out deportations in cities, but the Times noted that “the agency was taking additional steps to ramp up enforcement for the operation and tied it to Mr. Trump’s inauguration in a message sent to personnel throughout the agency.”

I hope that MAGAs are looking forward to expensive groceries.
As usual, apologies if duplicated.

I think it's important to note that while Trump is a lying, grifting, raping racist woman-hater, he really does almost kind of seem to believe he can magic a MAGA US into existence with the twin pillars of cruelty: raids and tariffs.

The key point, anyway:

"The Wall Street Journal reports that four people familiar with the plan say the incoming administration is preparing for a large-scale immigration raid to begin in Chicago on Tuesday, and last a week.

The New York Times reports that the plan is called “Operation Safeguard” and will involve about 150 agents. ICE routinely carries out deportations in cities, but the Times noted that “the agency was taking additional steps to ramp up enforcement for the operation and tied it to Mr. Trump’s inauguration in a message sent to personnel throughout the agency.”
Was there ever any doubt the raids would not begin immediately?
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As usual, apologies if duplicated.

I think it's important to note that while Trump is a lying, grifting, raping racist woman-hater, he really does almost kind of seem to believe he can magic a MAGA US into existence with the twin pillars of cruelty: raids and tariffs.

The key point, anyway:

"The Wall Street Journal reports that four people familiar with the plan say the incoming administration is preparing for a large-scale immigration raid to begin in Chicago on Tuesday, and last a week.

The New York Times reports that the plan is called “Operation Safeguard” and will involve about 150 agents. ICE routinely carries out deportations in cities, but the Times noted that “the agency was taking additional steps to ramp up enforcement for the operation and tied it to Mr. Trump’s inauguration in a message sent to personnel throughout the agency.”
I'm thinking there's going to be public resistance to this in the form of protest and possibly even active interference with the roundup.
This is what people for. Elections have consequences. Cope and seethe.
I hope that MAGAs are looking forward to expensive groceries.
Move to the country where you are less reliant on migrant labor.
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I'm thinking there's going to be public resistance to this in the form of protest and possibly even active interference with the roundup.
Why do you hope to see resistance?

They will be crushed.

Its best they stay at home with mommy.
I hope that MAGAs are looking forward to expensive groceries.

My advice to President Trump?

Ignore the Democrats.

Ignore the pundits

Ignore the Generals

Don't take the meetings. You are being handed the keys to the country. Enact your vision. Get the job done. Enact a much-needed fast & furious sweep.

Trump got in trouble by listening to the experts the last time. He needs to show power on day 1.
Where do you see I hope for resistance?
Thanks for clearing that up. I hope you wouldn't have wanted that. But if you're thinking of it then most certainly the whackadoodles are.

They are only going to regret it if they do.
As usual, apologies if duplicated.

I think it's important to note that while Trump is a lying, grifting, raping racist woman-hater, he really does almost kind of seem to believe he can magic a MAGA US into existence with the twin pillars of cruelty: raids and tariffs.

The key point, anyway:

"The Wall Street Journal reports that four people familiar with the plan say the incoming administration is preparing for a large-scale immigration raid to begin in Chicago on Tuesday, and last a week.

The New York Times reports that the plan is called “Operation Safeguard” and will involve about 150 agents. ICE routinely carries out deportations in cities, but the Times noted that “the agency was taking additional steps to ramp up enforcement for the operation and tied it to Mr. Trump’s inauguration in a message sent to personnel throughout the agency.”
If you want to start a discussion on any subject, I would recommend against fringe lunatic nutjob sites like "motherjones.com" as a source.
HOMAN on FOX said raids begin Tuesday.

Some need to start packing their bags.
If this is true...why the drama. Never mind Trumpers need "entertainment". Even sick entertainment.....like show your power.

Our country needs a mass cleansing.
Thanks for clearing that up. I hope you wouldn't have wanted that. But if you're thinking of it then most certainly the whackadoodles are.

They are only going to regret it if they do.
I hope for legal protest. It will be disappointing if Americans are indifferent to this impending racist-inspired cruelty.

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