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New Pope (1 Viewer)

Naughty Nurse said:
But no change:


No surprise there, then!

I read that on 365gay.com about a week or so ago...why does it simply not suprise me that he would call gay couples "pseudo-matrimonies"? I mean it's not like he's a guy in a "pseudo-dress" telling people who to allow equal rights to! No way!
A guy in a "pseudo-dress", using a "pseudonym ", who eats "pseudo-flesh" and drinks "pseudo-blood", not to mention that those who follow this "pseudo-religion" must all agree that he's the "pseudo-intrepreter" of the faith!
^ok, it was funny the second time...

Honestly, I wouldn't have expected a change, just wait till the next pope, he is only a few years away.
JustineCredible said:
I read that on 365gay.com about a week or so ago...why does it simply not suprise me that he would call gay couples "pseudo-matrimonies"? I mean it's not like he's a guy in a "pseudo-dress" telling people who to allow equal rights to! No way!
A guy in a "pseudo-dress", using a "pseudonym ", who eats "pseudo-flesh" and drinks "pseudo-blood", not to mention that those who follow this "pseudo-religion" must all agree that he's the "pseudo-intrepreter" of the faith!
And the priests were having pseudo sex with children too.
shuamort said:
And the priests were having pseudo sex with children too.

No, the priests are having REAL sex with the boys, it's their vows of celibacy which are "pseudo".
JustineCredible said:
I read that on 365gay.com about a week or so ago...why does it simply not suprise me that he would call gay couples "pseudo-matrimonies"? I mean it's not like he's a guy in a "pseudo-dress" telling people who to allow equal rights to! No way!
A guy in a "pseudo-dress", using a "pseudonym ", who eats "pseudo-flesh" and drinks "pseudo-blood", not to mention that those who follow this "pseudo-religion" must all agree that he's the "pseudo-intrepreter" of the faith!

Justine, despite our earlier pseudo-fallout, I just love your style. You make your point very effectively and make me laugh at the same time - a great gift. Keep it up!
flip2 said:
Ahh, the "tolerant" left speaks again.

Ah, we should have tolerated the previous death-causing old bigot who called himself Pope, and we should now tolerate the new old bigot who will no doubt continue that fine catholic tradition of contributing to AIDS deaths? Gosh, how wromg I have been. May the Pope grant me forgiveness.
Naughty Nurse said:
Ah, we should have tolerated the previous death-causing old bigot who called himself Pope, and we should now tolerate the new old bigot who will no doubt continue that fine catholic tradition of contributing to AIDS deaths? Gosh, how wromg I have been. May the Pope grant me forgiveness.

Yes, I think he will. And I for one think the outfits are FANTAAAABULOUS!
flip2 said:
Yes, I think he will. And I for one think the outfits are FANTAAAABULOUS!

He certainly does an amazing line in drag. And no doubt just one of those dresses would feed an entire African village for a year.
Yes, it could.

Let's keep in mind, the Pope is representing a religious point of view. Let's not attack him or his faith. My faith.
flip2 said:
Yes, it could.

Let's keep in mind, the Pope is representing a religious point of view. Let's not attack him or his faith. My faith.

Ah, so he can attack me for just being the way I was born, but I mustn't attack him? Where's the justice?
flip2 said:
Yes, it could.

Let's keep in mind, the Pope is representing a religious point of view. Let's not attack him or his faith. My faith.

Sweets, I respect him and those who follow his faith, but when his personal opinions start influencing MY RIGHTS...then we have a problem!

And you better believe I'm not going to be quiet about it.

I'm not "anti-cathoic", My mom and her whole family were raised Catholic, I was baptised Catholic (although I never practiced), heck even my ex is NOW a converted Catholic. Not to mention my peronsal favorite President was a Catholic.

If you read my personal quote, you'll see that even he didn't tollerate relgious views influencing civil law.
Especially when you realize that in fact this nation was not founded on "Judeo-Christian" beliefs. It was based on Humanistic beliefs which cross many religious lines.
We're talking about the Pope and the Holy See and Catholicism, not the United States.

Those aren't his personal views, if you know what I mean.

The debate on what this country was founded upon is in another thread.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Pope dress and shoes to shop for.
flip2 said:
We're talking about the Pope and the Holy See and Catholicism, not the United States.

Those aren't his personal views, if you know what I mean.

The debate on what this country was founded upon is in another thread.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Pope dress and shoes to shop for.

Just a word of advise darlin.
Don't try heels with a dress until you've had time to practice in the privacy and comfort of your home. TRUST ME! Your dog will thank me for it!

'PS; and since you're gonna be doing the whole Popedrag thang. Don't go hiding little boys under those robes, they only make you look like a pregnant Nun.
JustineCredible said:
Just a word of advise darlin.
Don't try heels with a dress until you've had time to practice in the privacy and comfort of your home. TRUST ME! Your dog will thank me for it!

'PS; and since you're gonna be doing the whole Popedrag thang. Don't go hiding little boys under those robes, they only make you look like a pregnant Nun.

Ummm, what...little...boys? Last I checked it was Naug...nevermind.
flip2 said:
Right, right. back to the issue at hand. So, the Pope's German, yeah?

Yuppers and a former member of the Hitler youth, although he swears he didn't like it one bit.
He was also the leader of the group that was formerly known as "The Spanish Inquisition."

{Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!}
JustineCredible said:
Yuppers and a former member of the Hitler youth, although he swears he didn't like it one bit.
He was also the leader of the group that was formerly known as "The Spanish Inquisition."

{Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!}

ALright, time to be serious again. Thanks for ruining the fun, sheesh.

He was a member, but CLEARLY did not enjoy it, did everything to get out. May I remind you of this simple fact that you seem to overlook.....All male youth in Germany were required to joing the Hitler Youth Group. Your second claim, I've never heard of, but I'll have to check into that, for I also believe you're stretching the truth or leaving something out.
flip2 said:
ALright, time to be serious again. Thanks for ruining the fun, sheesh.

He was a member, but CLEARLY did not enjoy it, did everything to get out. May I remind you of this simple fact that you seem to overlook.....All male youth in Germany were required to joing the Hitler Youth Group. Your second claim, I've never heard of, but I'll have to check into that, for I also believe you're stretching the truth or leaving something out.

Benedict XVI was elected pope at the age of 78. He is the oldest person to have been elected pope since Clement XII in 1730. He served longer as a cardinal before being elected pope than any pope since Benedict XIII (elected 1724). He is the eighth German pope, the last being the Dutch-German Adrian VI (1522–1523). The last Pope Benedict, Benedict XV, was an Italian who served as pope from 1914 to 1922 and reigned during World War I.

"Ratzinger was born in Bavaria, Germany. He had a distinguished career as a university theologian before being made the archbishop of Munich; he was subsequently made a cardinal by Pope Paul VI in the consistory of June 27, 1977. He was appointed as the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by Pope John Paul II in 1981 and was made the cardinal bishop of the suburbicarian diocese of Velletri-Segni on April 5, 1993. In 1998, he was made the sub-dean of the College of Cardinals; later, on November 30, 2002, he became the dean and simultaneously the cardinal bishop of the suburbicarian diocese of Ostia. He was the first dean of the college elected pope since Paul IV in 1555 and the first cardinal bishop elected pope since Pius VIII in 1829.

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

"The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) (Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei) is the oldest of the nine congregations of the Roman Curia. Among the most active of the major Curial institutions, it oversees the Roman Catholic Church doctrine. It is historically related to the Inquisition.
I see. Well, remember when the Spanish Inquisition happened? yeah, I don't think it will happen again. The purpose of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is to maintain discipline in teachings of the Catholic CHurch. Certainly, back then, it led the charge to wipe out Muslims, but that was an ugly part of Catholic history. Vatican II Council certainly helped to modernize the way in which Mass is celebrated, but it didn't just modernize that as well. Doctrine as moderated up or down as time went by.
flip2 said:
I see. Well, remember when the Spanish Inquisition happened? yeah, I don't think it will happen again. The purpose of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is to maintain discipline in teachings of the Catholic CHurch. Certainly, back then, it led the charge to wipe out Muslims, but that was an ugly part of Catholic history. Vatican II Council certainly helped to modernize the way in which Mass is celebrated, but it didn't just modernize that as well. Doctrine as moderated up or down as time went by.

Amazing how that works. It's ok to "moderize" a religion, but not laws.
Hmmm...someone explain that to me!

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