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New Poll: Biden Leads in Ohio, PA and Nevada (1 Viewer)

Really surprised with Ohio, and I live in Ohio although I am seeing more and more Biden/ Harris signs in my area...it'll be close..
If this holds, it will be a bloodbath.

It’s gonna be a bloodbath. Why do you think Trump’s team “leaked” all these ridiculous coup strongman fantasies? This is all they have left. Try to “scare” folks into thinking Trump is just gonna stay.

He’s toast. The GOP is speeding full ahead with Amy Conan Barbarian cause they know there’s no reason to fight over the optics. They lost.
Really surprised with Ohio, and I live in Ohio although I am seeing more and more Biden/ Harris signs in my area...it'll be close..
Yeah, me too!

While Ohio used to be a bellwether tipping-point type state, I was sure it turned GOP Blue as of late. Boy, am I mistaken it seems. This is one of several recent polls showing Biden leading, and it's a poll of 'likely voters', which is the most predictive kind.

Interestingly, AZ seems to be going Red too!
No complacency, anywhere. Vote as if Trump can win! I will be voting for Biden in AL, and I know that is a lost cause, but I will still vote.

And I will vote for Doug Jones too. Not because Jones is all that great, but Tommy Tuberville? The dude is totally clueless. At least the pedo Roy Moore knew a little.
Yeah, me too!

While Ohio used to be a bellwether tipping-point type state, I was sure it turned GOP Blue as of late. Boy, am I mistaken it seems. This is one of several recent polls showing Biden leading, and it's a poll of 'likely voters', which is the most predictive kind.

Interestingly, AZ seems to be going Red too!
Agreed...Also the fact Trump just didn't edge Clinton out in Ohio last election he dominated her winning by a solid 8 points. Where as Trump only won Mich, Wisc, PA by a combined 80k votes....So Ohio being play here and polling in Bidens favor this late in the game is very interesting.
Agreed...Also the fact Trump just didn't edge Clinton out in Ohio last election he dominated her winning by a solid 8 points. Where as Trump only won Mich, Wisc, PA by a combined 80k votes....So Ohio being play here and polling in Bidens favor this late in the game is very interesting.
Ah, forgot it was 8 pts in '16. Great point!
I’m a conservative Romney Republican and I will be voting for Joe Biden.

Thank you thank you .. THANK YOU. You are a sensible, respectable Republican who I greatly appreciate!

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Americans need an honest, moral, competent and strong leader, Trump is none of these things and although Biden may also have issues I feel he is better equipped to be such a president.
Almost every poll has had Biden ahead in Ohio for a while. But it's a very thin lead and the Trump Cult is highly motivated to keep their cult leader in power.
Nevada and Pennsylvania is consistent wit previous polls, Ohio is more surprising, and is the one that might not hold to election day.

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