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new person in the room (1 Viewer)


New member
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
non ya business
Political Leaning
i just joined up but love this forum. can't get enough of politics. welcome to any new people also:mrgreen:
Welcome to Debate Politics!
G'Dafternoon Democrat17!:2wave:

Welcom to DP
Glad you decided to participate
democrat17 said:
i just joined up but love this forum. can't get enough of politics. welcome to any new people also:mrgreen:

Welcome. Be ready, this place is addicting!:2razz:
Hi and welcome to DP democrat17!

Hope to see ya on the boards :2wave:


galenrox said:
but as a newbie, I would like you to honestly answer this question:
The current slogan is "Where the Einstien of intelligence meets the Tammy Faye Baker of emotion"
Now I suggested that the slogan should be:
"Irish Need Not Apply"

Would you be more or less attracted to this site with that slogan?

Aye you ****en guinea wap bastard, me an my mic mates don't take kindly to your kind around here. Now pass the guiness Danny boy.

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