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New Osama Bin Laden Audiotape- Are you safe? (1 Viewer)

Do you feel safe from a terrorist attack?

  • Yes, my country is safe

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No, we're ****ed

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
Given that he's offering a truce from a position of weakness?
Yes. I feel safe.
If he could attack us, he would do so, w/o warning.
Well, I guess it proves he's not "dead".
As safe as ever.

While the country is undoubtedly vulnerable to some sort of attack, (IIRC) the odds of being a part of that attack are much smaller than being involved in a fatal car crash. The probability of a fatal car crash is not enough to keep me off the road. So, meh
With our borders the way they are now NO we are not safe...
americanwoman said:

So there is another new tape of OSB warning of attacks in the US. Do you feel secure here? Why or why not?

Yes I feel secure because Dick Cheney said there was no credible intelligence supporting another planned terrorist attack in the U.S.

And I'm a Liberal... I'm sure there are some Conservatives here who have less faith in Mr. Cheney and the Administration regarding Homeland Security and are currently trying to get people worked up into a frenzy of fear. Weird.
M14 Shooter said:
Given that he's offering a truce from a position of weakness?
Yes. I feel safe.
If he could attack us, he would do so, w/o warning.

Good point and my thoughts exactly when I heard. Though he has been somewhere for a year. Perhaps in Saudi Arabia saving up for new biological weapon?

He must have sold us a lot of oil at rediculouse prices per barrel to have gotten that much money in 1 year.:2razz:

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