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New Member (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Eagle River, Alaska
Political Leaning
Hey all.

Just posting a new thread here about myself! I came across this forum from google. I wanted to start engaging myself with others across this fabulous country about politics. My name is noah and am 21 years old. I live in the great state of alaska! I attent the University of Alaska Anchorage majoring in Political science (focusing in International relations) and minoring in Philosophy! I am a heavy conservative. I love a great debate when its logical, which i base all my arguement on!
Welcome to Debate Politics, AK!:2wave:
Hope you have fun and don't get polluted by all the "lower 48ers."
Welcome to Debate Politics! :2wave:
Welcome to Debate Politics Noah! :2wave: Hope to see ya on the boards!

btw lol.... have you met our Billo yet? :lol:


We probably won't agree on much Noah,especially as you like golf(who was it that said golf is a waste of a good walk,I've forgotten,but he was right)but greetings to you anyway.

I hope there's no Scots that read this,they'll string me up for the golf thing;)
Androvski said:
We probably won't agree on much Noah,especially as you like golf(who was it that said golf is a waste of a good walk,I've forgotten,but he was right)but greetings to you anyway.

I hope there's no Scots that read this,they'll string me up for the golf thing;)

Oh I think I remember who it was,I think it was George Bernard Shaw.
Tashah said:
Welcome to Debate Politics Noah! :2wave: Hope to see ya on the boards!

btw lol.... have you met our Billo yet? :lol:


Hey...we're trying to ADD members!

Not push them away!:2wave:
Hi :2wave: Welcome.

I'm majoring in International Affairs...bet we take a lot of the same classes. ;)
Hello from a fellow alaskan, Noah. See you around in the forums...

Oh, and one note...I think you are gonna find most of the conservatives from the lower 48 are kinda harsh compared to our conservatives here...it was the very first thing I noticed! Anyway, glad to have you! :2wave:
AK_Conservative said:
Hey all.

I am a heavy conservative.

Well, you could see Kelzie for some dietary advice!

Welcome. :2wave:
Naughty Nurse said:
Well, you could see Kelzie for some dietary advice!

Welcome. :2wave:

LOL, I hope he's got plenty of TP.
I suppose you could call Anne Widdecome a heavy conservative.
(I don't suppose they've heard of her over the pond).
Oh and do you remember Cyril Smith,he was certainly a heavy liberal.:lol:
(They won't have heard of him either).
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